Home > Lab Challenge 8 – Router Config (PPPoE)

Lab Challenge 8 – Router Config (PPPoE)

January 21st, 2016 in Lab Challenge Go to comments

Let’s continue our Lab Challenge with Lab Challenge 8. This challenge is about PPPoE configuration with only two routers.


You are tasked to configure PPPoE between ISP and TUT routers with the following requirements:
+ ISP as a PPPoE Server
+ TUT as a PPPoE Client
+ Authentication using CHAP

Here is the link to access this lab challenge: http://www.rstut.com/final_flash/Config_Challenge_8/Config_Challenge_8.html.

Note: If you are not sure about PPPoE, please read my PPPoE tutorial.

Comments (10) Comments
  1. cisco
    January 29th, 2016

    where is the config of the lab

  2. Tarig Rahama
    February 18th, 2016

    The answer is
    Server Configurations

    1-bba-group pppoe MyPPPoEProfile
    2-virtual-template 1
    3-ip local pool pppoepool
    4-interface virtual-template 1
    5-ip address
    6-peer default ip address pool PPPoEPool
    7-ppp authentication chap
    8-username TUT password MyPPPoE
    9-pppoe enable group MyPPPoEProfile

    Client Confguration
    11-ip address negotiated
    12-mtu 1492
    13- encapsulation ppp
    14-dialer pool 2
    15-ppp chap hostname TUT
    16-ppp chap password MyPPPoE
    17-ppp ipcp route default
    18- pppoe enable
    19-pppoe-client dial-pool-number 2


  3. cisco
    February 23rd, 2016


  4. grendel
    October 8th, 2016

    The lab doesn’t work. It says the answers are wrong and the “?” only seems to work for the first word on some of the entry blocks

  5. Roney
    April 17th, 2017

    hi guys.i search some material of ccie but i don’t conform it .so some one can help me .

  6. JP
    April 26th, 2017

    Hi guys, are this tut LAB practices any similar to the real exam? or are they actually part of the exam?

  7. TRUMP
    April 3rd, 2018

    Statements 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19 are not correct!
    Can someone please help. THANKS! exam next week!

  8. Raymond
    June 22nd, 2019


    Hi guys

    I successfully passed the exam with PH’s dumps!

    Q1: Layer 2(2 point):
    PC101 should successfully access Server 1 behind SW1.
    PC101 cannot access R7/R8, fix the problem so that PC101 can access server1, R7 R8

    Q2: PPP(2 point)
    R17 should have one default route which points to R12 via PPP and R11 should have access via telnet to R17 as shown below.

    Q3: OSPF(2 point)
    When R1 tries to access the network, which is between R21 and R22, the traffic should be load balanced as shown in the exhibit.

    Cisco will change in 2020, the guys who want to take the exam should hurry.

    So go to the exam as soon as possible!

    Good luck!

    I used the dump of the PH to pass the exam.
    at PH dooooooooot com

  9. Kel
    July 19th, 2019

    New Lab4 in R&S Lab exam.
    Exam takers are getting new lab4 and failing the exam

  10. Examforsure.com
    February 22nd, 2020

    Hello.. Dear every one..

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