Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. WF
    April 20th, 2017

    Hi JP & SHA,
    Kindly share the Spoto 130 and PL270 dumps, my email is thakur011 @ hotmail.com
    Thanks in advance,

  2. Quavo
    April 20th, 2017

    Hi, I have PL 270Q plus updates for 1 year. Anyone with lab material preferably Narbik/INE we can exchange. evokk10 @ yahoo . com

  3. @SHAH
    April 20th, 2017


    Q,Which two GRE Features can you configure to prevent fragmentation.?

    a. udp win size
    b.IP MTU

  4. WF
    April 20th, 2017

    I think the answer is B & D

    Use the ip tcp adjust-mss command on the tunnel interfaces so that the router will reduce the TCP MSS value in the TCP SYN packet.

    Increase the “ip mtu” on the GRE tunnel interface to be equal to the outbound interface MTU.

  5. Cat and Mouse
    April 20th, 2017

    The mouse through the power of knowledge has become the cat. Spoto has always been crap. Wrong answers and such. Pl270 is a help, but one really needs to know their stuff to ensure success. Ensurepass has over 1200q. This is the ccie level. Be professional or stay seated at the kiddie table.

  6. Charlie
    April 20th, 2017

    Cat and Mouse is right…. Spoto has 120q that costs 300$….

  7. Dan
    April 20th, 2017

    Can anyone share PL Dumps.?

  8. JP
    April 20th, 2017

    @SHA, on that questions, B is a correct one, @WF you are indeed correct by saying that “ip tcp adjust-mss” will prevent fragmentation, but adjust-mss is not part of the answers.
    I went trough the following link:


    If you read and understand DF BIT CLEAR, it should be a correct answer.

  9. Broko
    April 20th, 2017

    Hi JP, can you please send me PL270 to my email broko1999 @ gmail.com. there is no space before and after @.
    I’ve been struggling to get this for a while. Much appreciate ur help

  10. Santana
    April 20th, 2017

    Can someone share the latest PL270 and spoto120
    santana.ccie @ gmail.com

  11. Zhabka
    April 20th, 2017

    Hello Guys,

    SPOTO 120 is still valid, but please prepare for the exam, there are a lot of incorrect answers in SPOTO, double check all of them. There are about 8-9 new questions in real exam, but if you really study for it, you will pass it with no issues. About half of the questions and D&Ds from PL1300. Please, don’t ask me to send the dump. I don’t have it — all of this information from a private CCIE preparation chat.

  12. Cat and Mouse
    April 20th, 2017

    How very stupid, Zhabka. So weird and stupid

  13. JP
    April 20th, 2017


    A friend took the exam today and he said that the SPOTO 120 is almost 100% valid, he saw 3-4 new questions.
    As you said not all the answers are correct, but you can compare them and verify with the PL 270.

  14. ST
    April 20th, 2017

    Dear friends,

    I attended the written exam today and unfortunately I failed by 60 marks margin, anyone could you please send me spoto or PL270 dumps to {email not allowed} Much appreciate ur help.

  15. ST
    April 20th, 2017

    Dear friends,
    I attended the written exam today and unfortunately I failed by 60 marks margin, anyone could you please send me spoto or PL270 dumps to {email not allowed} Much appreciate ur help.

    shijut24 and domain is gmail dot com

  16. CCIE Kam
    April 20th, 2017


    I went ahead and sent them to 10 people (emails from this thread) to help the community out. Thanks again for your kindness and helping us out.


  17. ST
    April 20th, 2017


    Could you please send me as well.. my id is shijut24 domain is gmail dot com

    Thanks again for your help, much appreciate ur help.

  18. Kevin2Net
    April 20th, 2017

    Hi All,

    Can somebody send me the spoto 130q to satya.maruth gmail.com. I have the exam in 4 days. Thanks in advance.

  19. Kamal
    April 20th, 2017

    @ CCIE Kam
    Will you please share the SPOTO 120 to my mail:- kamalrajshan @ gmail com. Really appreciate.

  20. Chris Warfreak
    April 20th, 2017


    Appreciate if you could also send me the SPOTO 120 and PL 270 to chriswarfreak050697@ gmail dot com

    Thanks in advance!

  21. adjustmss
    April 20th, 2017

    Please share with me SPOTO 120 and PL270.
    Thanks in advance!
    adjustmss @ gmail com

  22. Bahador
    April 20th, 2017

    Hi All

    Can somebody send me the SPOTO 130 and PL 270 to bahador_gheisari at yahoo dot com.

    pdf or VCE

    Thanks in Advance

  23. PeterMak
    April 20th, 2017


    please share the SPOTO 120 to my mail peter_mak@ yahoo dot com, I can share to you my PL 270 and H2-A5 2.4 config/lab/diag for Lab exam. Thank you!

  24. Anonymous
    April 20th, 2017

    Appreciate if you could also send me the SPOTO 120 and PL 270 to {email not allowed}

    Thanks in advance!

  25. dodoypogi
    April 20th, 2017

    kind folks would appreciate the spoto120 tutrij at gmail dot com…. thanks in advance

  26. Khaji
    April 20th, 2017

    Can someone put spoto on google drive? Thanks

  27. adjustmss
    April 20th, 2017

    i’m sick of dump requests here… don’t send me anything!
    can anyone share the experience in terms of the following please:
    – can there be questions outside of the blueprint for written? voice or dc topics for instance.
    – is it required to remember all the commands, even the rare ones? or only major commands required to remember?
    – how many questions are there in total on the exam?
    – any recommended book/resource to read about SDN? anyone watched this video? is it useful? http://www.ciscopress.com/store/introduction-to-software-defined-networking-sdn-livelessons-9780789753816?ranMID=24808


  28. stub
    April 20th, 2017

    please share the SPOTO 120 to my mail empno2000@ yahoo dot com,
    I have the exam in 3 days.
    Thanks in advance!

  29. Khaji
    April 20th, 2017

    Dear friends, I need to take exam again. Please send spoto. Thanks 1529890217 At qq dot com

  30. Samersms
    April 20th, 2017

    @SHAH what about your exam today? hope you pass it

  31. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017

    Those who wish to “SPOTO 120Q DUMP” should add their own mail address under the following mailing list and should post.
    If you saw this post and you have “SPOTO 120Q DUMP”, please share it.
    Thank you.

    Compliance with the notation rules.(xxxxx @ yyyyy)

    h1740mm @ gmail.com
    shijut24 @ gmail.com
    satya.maruth @ gmail.com
    kamalrajshan @ gmail com
    chriswarfreak050697 @ gmail.com
    adjustmss @ gmail.com
    bahador_gheisari @ yahoo.com
    peter_mak @ yahoo.com
    tutrij @ gmail.com
    empno2000 @ yahoo.com
    1529890217 @ qq.com

  32. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017


    MSTP includes all of its spanning tree information in a single BPDU format. Not only does this reduce the number of BPDUs required on a LAN to communicate spanning tree information for each VLAN, but it also ensures backward compatibility with RSTP

  33. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017



  34. Majesty
    April 21st, 2017

    Please share Spoto
    my email beulsins_sonny@yahoo. fr

  35. Shikima
    April 21st, 2017

    Can anyone share me the spoto 120q? Please

    luis_sama @ hotmail.com

  36. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017

    MSTP protocol uses a variable known as remaining hops as a time to live counter instead of the message age timer used by RSTP

    RSTP switch port states:

    Discarding – No user data is sent over the port
    Learning – The port is not forwarding frames yet
    Forwarding – The port is fully operational

  37. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017

    for those who are begging for share dumps :
    1. there are some people already offer share their dump, if you are not find the post in this page, read few pages back, go email them personally.
    2. don’t expect you get dump for free (for now).

  38. Khaji
    April 21st, 2017

    I have pl270, ccie lab workbook and more. will trade for spoto 120. Email 1529890217 @ qq.com

  39. Toney
    April 21st, 2017

    Every one want to get SPOTO 120 Q.
    but i have questions that why guys not to view spoto websites.
    at first ,i consider that we should enquire spoto agent no matter u get SPOTO dumps .
    spoto website :

    wish guys wouldnt influned by someone.

  40. PL270
    April 21st, 2017

    PL270 is not enough… I took the exam just now and there are at least 30 questions that are not in PL270… Luckily I studied and didn’t rely on PL270…

  41. stub
    April 21st, 2017

    I’m sorry.
    The posted address was wrong. It is correct below.
    please share the SPOTO 120 to my mail empno2000@ yahoo dot co dot jp

  42. INCY
    April 21st, 2017

    Please share SPOTO 120 to my mail clegualbert@yahoo dot fr

  43. Mokondzi
    April 21st, 2017

    Please share the SPOTO 120 to {email not allowed}

  44. Mokondzi
    April 21st, 2017

    Please share the SPOTO 120 to ozate dot mokondzi@ gmail dot com

  45. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017

    guys who ever is shairing their email for spoto did any one get it or not,

  46. Please share the SPOTO
    April 21st, 2017

    Please share the SPOTO okaenrique@ yahoo

  47. Please share the SPOTO
    April 21st, 2017

    i failed yesterday with PL270 is so many new question .

    i remember
    passive inteface on rip ?

    DTP ?

    ATOM ?

    /please share


  48. SPOTO 120Q DUMP
    April 21st, 2017

    okaenrique @ yahoo.com

  49. WWW
    April 21st, 2017

    I’m just waiting for somebody to upload it here to rstut.

  50. Anonymous
    April 21st, 2017

    doing exam today . Please share Spoto to compare with 270 PL

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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