Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
@anonymous you have to read that question closely! I had the same problem as you with that question at first then I noticed they said ibgp route instead of igp route. Switch that one word for igp and it’s synchronization otherwise if it’s an ibgp route it’s aggregation. Very tricky!
Guys is there someone from Karachi ? who had attempted the exam.
@anonymous. Actually I think I was reading that question wrong. You are correct. This is synchronization.
“A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not install iBGP learned routes into its routing table if it is not able to validate those routes in its IGP.” This is a quote from a Cisco URL. Sorry for the confusion guys. This is synchronization!
Someone please guide
Which labs to practice for CCIE Lab Exam??
Just passed the exam.105q is 100% valid
good luck guys
Guys is there someone from Karachi ? who recently attempted exam
Is the current ccie written exam version same worldwide?
anyone pass today? 105q
Does anyone took the exam today?
Hello All,
Please help me …what should i do i have dums of 832 and 105 ….which one i should study…please help me as soon as possible ….wating from your reply my friend//
105 is valid as per comments above, can i have the 832 dumps? When it was created?
for 832 i dont have pdf ….
Please, these kind of post does not help.
Does anyone took it today?
Could anyone help with Dump 832Q, please. Thanks for your generosity
{email not allowed}
my exam is booked on 14 feb 2016
Many countries are off on Friday , that’s why we don’t have much updates about the exam for today , I have registered for tomorrow and wishing 105/125 still valid
Me too, im book for tomorrow, ill let you know
Pass today 105/125 are valid. Thank you rstut!
Is 105 enough or should we also do the 140?
share file 140 pdf please
105 dump still valid in Singapore. Took the exam yesterday and passed. Hurry and good luck guys!
105 still valid pass today
I have exam next week, please let me know if 105 and 125 questions still valid?
Took exam today. 105q & 125q still valid
Hello All
105/140 still valid ,,, cleared the exam from 30 min.
see you in the LAB
Hi !
Just cleared the exam half an hour ago in india.
105 is fully valid. Even though I studied 125 as well but questions came only from 105.
Got 900+ score.
Before me 3 guys has as well cleared the exam. So moral of the story… hurru up and do it.
Good luck !!!
105 & 125 dumps till valid ..
really kindly approve this issue coz my exam this week plz update me ASAP :SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Just took the exam 1 hour ago and the 105q file is 100% valid. United States.
im confuse now valid or not validplz answer me :SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSs
Valid for me but I am in the United States
do the exam the same in the world
dear if 105q not valid what the valid now to read it to pass exam plz answer me urgent ASAP
people that say 105q is not valid are from pass leader. don’t believe them, they want to confuse and sell their dumps
i think they are preparing for the version 5.1 on 25th of July, so they are currently busy because of that.
Dear’s give us exact information as now every body is in doubt i-e 105Q has been changed or still valid.
Strange ! people who are saying 105q are not valid. why they don’t tell their scores or about their passing….Don’t believe them.
If someone passed recently with 105 please share your experience.
Dear all
I passed the exam about 10 munites ago in Japan.
105q is still valid in Japan.
All question is from 105q.
So,everyone who wants to get ccie written certification,do take the exam as fast as you can.
I need to know the number of drag n drop questions on every exams session?
Just remember all D&D in 105q & 125q.
Mr. Watchout how did Hiro passed toaday with 105q..Stop lying to people here…if you want people to buy passleader dumps try some another option..before you people were trying with links to ur websites and now this is ur strategy…stop this plz
105q is still valid passed today in Riyadh Al Hamdullilah 930/1000.
Have passed!!! 900+!!! 105q still valid!!! Learn by heart. Ans are mixed!
Thanks Ziyad & Lucky. F**k u Watchout.
Guys keep on sharing plz. I am also planning CCIE written soon.
rstut please bring back share your lab experience,
@failed & @watchout f***er we can read and understand the pattern you use to post the comment. We all know the fact that you are just misleading us. You are one person and messing around with us but trust me you are not sharp enough. Now change your pattern for posting the comment you f***ing moron. Guys keep on studying, I believe we will have latest and genuine updates on Monday 1st February . Let this f***er work hard to fool around. Also watch him how he will change his pattern , f***ing @$$ hole