Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
I will take exam tomorrow. PL 167 Q is cover for exam?
please share PL1300
hi plz update exam information
Have anybody got Passleader q1218 pdf pool?
Has anyone got these 30 new questions fahad mentioned i have got exam booked for tomorrow i have prep 167 PL, Extra Questions PDF
@M Bhatti
Please share your experience bro..!!!
May GOD be with you.
Here is some of the new questions i’ve got today and that’s not included in SPOTO and PL166. On the other hand, some are included in the PL1300 (like the questions regarding OSPF and MST). But be aware. There is some totally new question not reported in the ressources provided here. I don’t remember all the new questions i had, but if you do the PL 166 + a quick review of the PL1300 + new drag and Drop Txt it would be ok to pass the limit
Q-Which three configuration settings must match for Switches to be in the same MST Region?
A: Revision number – Vlan-to-Instance assignment and Region name
Open Stack:DnD (You need to know which definition is associated to these terms below) So be sure to know each definition of these term below
2.1 Compute (Nova)
2.2 Networking (Neutron)
2.3 Block Storage (Cinder
2.5 Image (Glance)
Q-Why Are OSPF Neighbors Stuck in Exstart/Exchange State?
A- The problem occurs when the maximum transmission unit (MTU) settings for neighboring router interfaces don’t match
Q- About IS-IS overload bit – You have to make sure you can read this sort of output and define when and where the overload bit is set
IS-IS Level-1 LSP r2.00-00
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
r2.00-00 * 0x0000005F 0x23C6 266 0/0/1
Area Address: 12
Hostname: r2
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 0 IP
Metric: 10 IS r2.02
Metric: 10 IS r3.01
Q – The content of an IPv6 Header
A – Payload/Traffic CLass/Version (Don’t remind about all propostion among the choices
Thanks for valuable update Kilik!
Btw have you passed the exam?
@ kilik
pls share the PL 1300
@ kilik
pls share the PL 1300
Hi everybody,
any one has VCEPLUS 174 Qs please share !!!
Can any body verify the authenticity of pass4sure…. 216 questions file.
update once u finished the exam
i believe the qtn for ipv6 is below
What fields are in the ipv6 header
-Next Header
-Flow Label
-Traffic Class
i have checked the PassLeader 167Q. The last 13 questions (155-167) of PassLeader were among the new questions. Also what Kilik shared were also among the new questions. I believe if you get these right, you will scale through.
I fail not vaild spoto
all question are change
i fail not vaild hold exam are change
hi stave…can u please tell that when u appeared in the exam. i mean the exact date.
i fail exam today
spoto and new&exter quest and PL 167 Q not vaild for exam
oo very sad Stave….Can U please share your email…I want to verify the pass4sure latest
dumps from u …because I have to appear today.
@warior, stave
Please share guys if the latest pass4sure dumps is valid.
stave pls chek your email
does passleader 166 are valid or not? can anyone suggest me
Thank You
People said it’s not enough to pass.
thanks @majesty
does anyone have the valid dumps enough to pass?please suggest me the any valid dumps
thanks in advance
As per the latest info the until now most recently valid PL 17.021 (167Q) has become invalid. So no idea until someone finds out what can be the most valid for 400-101. If you have not scheduled already, then best to wait for 2 more weeks.
Not yet !
Everybody is looking for that !!!
Yesterday everyone who failed the exam, confirmed that just 30 questions where new.
Now @Stave, you say that even the rest of the questions have been changed?
Hard to believe, that everything has changed during 1 day.
Hello Everyone,
Don’t bother and try to pass the exam. Wait until the next update of SPOTO and PL (not the
17.021).If you see the quetions i’ve listed previously on the next update of these ressource
you can take the exam. For now, the ressources are ot enough to pass for sure. I would say
PL 166 cover almost 70% of the actual test but not enough to take the risk
Please share latest SPOTO. Will new PL appears before 22th Feb. ?
billjerrythomson at
hi kilik pls share update spoto . i will take next months
I’m too planning to take in beginning/mid of March. Hopefully some valid PL/SPOTO will get released & shared in this group.
Passed Today. 11/02
PL/SPOTO/Extra questions still valid. 95% from these.
JJ, Congratulations. Thanks for that info. Can you give a link to download those extra questions & the recent SPOTO one.. The only one that I have is PL 17.021.
He can’t be serious.
Plz someone send dumps
@JJ can u provide PassLeader dumps
Thanks in advance 🙂
Guys anyone with a whatsapp/teegram link for CCIE or any other cisco groups
Please share bud, my email is {email not allowed}.
Looks like PL has changed from 166Q to 1315Q today (Feb-12).
Does anyone have 1315Q or at least 1300Q document?
I need a dump for CCIE please… blargg at gmail
please send to me in an email with “CCIE dumps” as the subject!
Failed the exam today
30-35 new Questions
3-5 New drag n drop /single-post/2017/01/10/CCIE-RS-Written—Pass-Stable
It is not valid anymore–Unstable
Hi John,
Could you please share the dumps to me.
{email not allowed}
Hi John,
Could you please share the dumps to me.