Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
Pass with 85%, 136q + new q still valid..
Thank you sir
Hi Every1
Today, i passed exam with 9xx/1000. I remember some new question as below:
-What interface can you assign for L3 etherchannel IP?
-sh ipv6 mroute – choose correct answer
-ospf output -sh ip protocol – choose correct answer
-ip prefix-list with route map with new ip
-what is multicast features to enable igmp snooping on a vlan without multicast router
-eigrp stub – by default, what routes advertised?
Good Luck!!! Guys
Passed today with 9XX/1000 , 136 Q + Extra ones are valid and more than sufficient to pass with 900+ score.
Anyone who wants to take up, please go ahead asap.
let me know how to go ahead with preparation with LAB.
@ Maverick,
Lets create a group for CCIE LAb preparation
i Have CCIe_ Maverick with me as well.
he has also Clreared Written
I am left only
Can someone tell me options jumble up and down or its same as it is. I am in hurry writing the exam. Playing lots of quizes
Hi friends!
Can someone share the actual dump for the CCIE RS LAB?
Which company is valid?
How do we create a group for LAB?
Dear All,
Me and my friends passed today with great Score 94x/1000.
The 136+192 and 400-401 new questions+extras are still valid.
We saw 3 to 4 new questions.
Thanks for all your support.
Thank u all,
I passed today. Get score 918.
136 + new qestion.
About new question.
2 kind of sump have different answer little bit.
But U dont need confusing what is correct. enough to pass even though u dont fail those questions
Please can you share 136 + 192 +new questions
Please i need it !!!
becot02@yahoo. fr
Anonymous is sales agent
guys i wrote this exam and 136q + new question which shared is valid. Just focus on this and you will make it. Now im thinking about ccie lab if anyone planning to create a group or would like to discuss technically. IM email is ganesh83 at gmail dot com
LP material is enough for the test, 8 new question and 2 new dropbox only! Go for it guys.
I would like to form a study group for LAB-CCIE-R & S
Please add me
ccie010101 @ gmail dot com
Where is CCIE LAB preparation Group ? I already joined to Skype group.
Please use this link address for 136+New Questions for 400-101!UBASgCyJ!49Fd3HHtvrsWZe_k2Ybhmw
@MMCCIE, can you give me skype group name to join?
Hi guys can i have any link for ccie servie provider.
Count me in for study group
@ Abdul and all i am creating a ccie skype group whcih you can join
Did someone take the exam today?
Any simulation related question expected in CCIE written exam ?.
Ni SIM only DnD
Did anyone take the exam today ?, planning to write it tomorrow …..
a friend here took it today and passed… spoto136 + New Questions pdf… I will take it tomorrow. Good Luck fellas
I am stupid, sorry for that!
I just took the exam today. 136Q is mostly valid , i got about 20-25 new questions including 3 new drag-and-drop.
Hi do not buy dump from me.. I will take all your money. Instead get it free from other members here.
Congrats Zahid , can you give any info on new questions … planning write it today
spoto136+new still valid.
Just ask for any dumps here
did anyone took exam today
i am going to write it in a hour….is dump still valid ?
@Naren How was the exam ?. got same question from 136qq.
Hello Everyone,
Thank you everyone who shared their experience.
I have cleared the exam with 926/1000. All questions are from 136 + new questions + 192 dumps.
NO need to worry much about new q’s.
Just prepare all those questions, give exam.. ALL THE BEST
Hello Everyone,
Thank you everyone who shared their experience.
I have cleared the exam with 934/1000. Around 95% questions are from 136 + new questions.
Just check for answers for these questions ….these all came for me
What interface can you assign for L3 etherchannel IP?
-sh ipv6 mroute – choose correct answer
-ospf output -sh ip protocol – choose correct answer
-ip prefix-list with route map with new ip
-what is multicast features to enable igmp snooping on a vlan without multicast router
Ans : igmp snooping query
-eigrp stub – by default, what routes advertised?
There is dnd with ip address and subnets …it came for me to check broadcast address for them
Good luck guys
Hi guys
I’m currently doing ccnp,route and my plans is to do ccdp I have to start with ccna?,I can just do it?
Another one..I’m currently using GN3 for route but it’s like il have a problem with switch GNS 3 can’t help..a
Any idea beside hardware?
Cleared Thanks
I used the dump which recommended by someone here
1 month of the hard work finally 940
Hi I passed today 9xx using 136q plus new questions. No need for 192q.
There is a new drag and drop asking for broadcast address instead. Brush up on your subnetting.
About 7 questions that is not in 136q or new quest.
And don’t bother buying any dumps from people spamming here. You don’t need it to pass.
Hi ppl
I passed the exam today, i just used 136Q + 15 new questions PDF file ,
there is new question:
which two options are type of EVCs ( chose two) :
anyone interested to take the exam, try to do it as soon as possible,before the questions is changed.
Passed today with 959 score… good luck fellas
see you in two years!
There are three EVC (i.e. UNI-to-UNI) service types that describe the basic connectivity options of a Carrier Ethernet subscriber service:
Thanks guys for sharing new questions.
Hi Guys, kindy any one give me username and passowrd for opening VCE file for CCIE written exam which is everybody pointing me here to download questions.!UBASgCyJ!49Fd3HHtvrsWZe_k2Ybhmw
need help please
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Anyone taken the CCIE written using the new PL 150 Ver. 17.012 questions? I will be taken the exam in 3 days using this method. Would like to hear some positive feedback in case I have to postpone my exam appointment. Regards
can some one tell us about right options DnD in EIGRP neighbor peering ???