Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
I failed the CCIE written for the first time in a long time and since I have to wait 15 days until I can go back to take it I’m going to have to go into suspended state with my current CCIE for the first time. I teach from entry level to expert level and this exam was ridiculously hard. Come on Cisco! I know this is an expert level exam but it seemed like a lot of the questions their were more than one valid answer and one wasn’t more correct than another.
The switch with the highest configuration revision number always updates every other switch regardless of whether it’s client or server as long as the VTP domain is the same and authentication matches (if authentication is configured). Setting the VTP mode to transparent resets the VTP revision number. You can bring down an entire switch domain by not resetting the configuration revision number which is probably why VTP isn’t used much in production. Not trying to insult you but this is actually a CCNA concept I teach. Tyde Systems teaches this and other concepts that may help you out. You should check them out!
@Karma, the answer is B. This is the basic concept of how portfast works. It puts the port directly into a forwarding state which is why you want to use BPDU Guard with portfast because if it receives a BPDU it will not go through the standard spanning-tree states like listening and learning and could cause a spanning-tree loop. HTH
any one pass or fail on 105 q today?
Guys just passed today, the 105 or 125 are certainly valid, but certainly not enough you may have 3 questions to 10 questions from them. if you study just them you will fail 100/100
Cisco have giving a real hard time today
The advice, if you study well the 779 you will pass 95%, when answering I have recall many of them, but I was not sure about the answer cause during last week I have studied only the 105 and 125, so don’t be fulled
Don’t wait for imaginary dump, Cisco is certainly throwing about 5 new questions each month,
But the fact that all old questions are still valid and your exam will randomly take many of them.
I think it’s not possible to remember about 10000 questions out there. You have to study for a while, then do the dumps, be fast, be lucky and pass
1000 questions out there INSTEAD of 10000 lol
so you saying its not enough previously cpl of people said they passed it after preparing from these two files
Ccie.chams is correct. I really know this material, already have my CCIE (was re-certifying), had the 779 questions and still got at least 40 questions (out of 100) not in that group of 779 questions and I failed the exam. I got really close to passing but close isn’t passing. The questions are really tricky and the answers are even more tricky which I personally think is too much because I really know this stuff and had a really hard time finding the correct answer and ultimately failed. If you really want to pass get the 889. I have to wait 15 days before I can retake it and I’m hoping they don’t change it much in that short time.
i check the 105 vs 125 vs 779 and there is only 77 new questions i did the exam at the end of november and i fail by 30 questions those included in the new 105/125
so i think if you prepare the 779+105+125 dump you have a good chance…. im going to take next week
if someone present in these days please tell us if there are new questions out of 125/105 please
So is the “share your lab experience” section gone for good or am I missing something?
could anyone send me the 125/105 dump please.
i’m preparing to take it next week
Mail addres:
thanks a lot in advance.
Please post a link for 779 and 889 dumps please
Hi frns..need help..can anyone share links for 889 dumps!!! Im getting confused which dumps are valid…i am preparing 779 dumps…what should i do help out gyz..
Any one passed today with 105/125 dumps?? Please validate guys
pliz can any one send me 779 dumps
Retweet: So is the “share your lab experience” section gone for good or am I missing something?
When are you bringing back the Data Center CCIE information?
105, 100% valid.
when did you give exam ? i am planning to give on Saturday ..
Did any one give exam today .. is 105 still Valid ?
@ Sean
How long ago did you pass the Written. Looks like you are looking for the LAB section??
Anyone know what happened to the “Share you Lab experience” pages. Have they been removed?
125 have only few questions more as all 105 is in the 125, all the question came from them. total 100. 804 is the passing score. I passed it yesterday. all question came from them. i think only one drag n drop was not there so you should prepare all drag n drop. Hope it will help
are we able to reschedule our Lab exam or we are not allowed once we have placed are schedule?
ccie proctor
Hi how are you ? no one take the exam if you change questions.You ‘ll loose money :)))
what happen to ccie lab comments ?where are comments?
@CCIEProctor if you are the real proctor or if the real proctor is reading this I would recommend continuing to use the almost 1000 question test bank you have that way people that really want it will study hard to get it. If you do add new questions just please make sure they are fair questions that do not have questionable answers like some of the questions on the exam now. I really know this stuff and I still failed, not by much, but I did still fail because of some questions that I thought had questionable answers (one answer wasn’t better than another, instead their were multiple questionable correct answers). All I ask is you’re fair!
Also if you have that almost 1000 question test bank, even if people try to memorize all these questions, first of all that would be very difficult, and second of all they would still ultimately learn something from it and if they are willing to work that hard to get it I say more power to them as that’s what I think the CCIE is all about, proving that you’re willing to put the time in to pass the exam(s) and you’re dedicated and don’t give up! I think this should also apply to the CCIE lab exam. Make so many versions of it so that the cheaters out there have to know so many different versions, they ultimately are learning and with their being so many different versions they may not be able to get all of them and then they’ll have to learn it. I have my CCIE and I worked very hard to get it! Just my 2 cents 😉
Passes today, 105 and 125 dump still valid. But i am sure they will change the questions soon. You will have to hurry up and take exam before the questions change as it seems the questions are shuffled and changed every week. Good Luck.
I also agree with @upset. If you can’t answer simple CCNA level portfast and VTP questions you really have no reason to be studying for your CCIE and you need to take some classes and learn the basics from a training company like that Tyde Systems company @upset was talking about.
several of the 125 dumps questions belong to CCNP ROUTING exam!!!!!
My question is: These questions really come in the exam?
i just got back from taking the test, 105 and 125 is still valid.
where is lab gone ???Please can you sortout LAB can you drop some lab question fella … you IDIOT we are here to share not to threat …
Come on Rstut, everyone wants the lab experience section back so we can discuss how to tackle that beast
105Q and 125Q are enough. Be quick.
105q are valid. Passed today 100% same
Every thing is from 105 hurry before they change
Hi RSTUT where is Lab gone we are waiting can you please add LAB plus share lab experience …
i just my finished my exam 400-101 105 q still valid. thank you guys..
i just finished my exam 400-101 105q still valid. thank you guys..
@dlheoher 105Q all coming same in exam no change in Questions ?
110Q coming in exam out of 105Q right .
Any input ll be helpful .
passed today with premium 779 + passleader 889 some of the questions overlaps but those dumps still work
@Dheoher , you given exam on sunday ?
Did any one give exam today .. is 105 still Valid ?
Any updates about 105/125 ?
Please any update about 105?
Passed last week, 105/125 is still valid.
Anyone passed today with 105/125?
anyone know any website (tutorial) for CCIE Service provider….. pls tell.
pass today 18/1/2016 , 105 and 125 still valid