Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. max
    June 21st, 2016

    folks .. I am just starting to prepare for the ccie RnS..
    May be below question might be answered before.

    For written exam, we have a new topics stating July 25( V 5.1 )
    Can I give the written exam with (ver 5.0) and give the lab after July 25. Will the written exam be valid ?

    or do I have to have clear written exam with v 5.1, since I am planning for lab after 5 months

    Please advise


  2. Srikanth.K
    June 22nd, 2016

    what is the diffuculty of written exam now a days and what is the best possible way to complete it? I mean what are the dumps that can be preferred for exam………….!!

  3. Srikanth.K
    June 22nd, 2016

    Hi Any suggestions on dumps to follow to succeed in this written exam? as par as I know, now a days the exam turned very tough and not able to crack? So need all your suggestions to crack the same by July 2 nd week before the exam is updated to 5.1.

  4. Lex.KL
    June 22nd, 2016

    I passed today. There were around 25 new questions (probably more) but nothing outside of the blueprint, still tricky questions though, bridge assurance, MST, multi-choice answers that are difficult to understand. I have lost all respect for Cisco after wasting so much time on this exam, lets hope 5.1 shows some improvement. Without the dumps it would be impossible, this means something is wrong.

  5. derz
    June 22nd, 2016

    you are right
    i am following him for updates……. he was famous but due to some admin restriction… no one his posting his name and because it filtered by admin……….he posted recently something dumps has been changed……
    new 31q added in new exam (except 937)

  6. Sumit khattri
    June 22nd, 2016

    Exam changed again 35-40 new question was i my exam..failed today..

  7. Abdul Rehman
    June 23rd, 2016

    Somebody please tell me if 986 dumps are still valid?

  8. Gats
    June 23rd, 2016

    @Max if you sit for V5 you will just proceed to Lab, you do not have to sit for the V5.1

  9. Sumkite
    June 23rd, 2016

    Can someone have a look at below ‘so called’ chinese dump and verify? 326Q certainly better than 1000Q…

  10. Sumkite
    June 23rd, 2016


  11. Justme
    June 23rd, 2016

    You can do old written and new lab

  12. Helper
    June 26th, 2016

    After CCIE written exam candidate is valid for next 18 month to write CCIE LAB.

    If candidate lapse 18month window than again new written exam need to pass for CCIE LAB eligibility.

  13. Frederick Smollinger
    June 27th, 2016

    New 400-101 exam???

  14. Danket
    June 27th, 2016

    Anyone passed recently? Please help. Q937 it´s valid???

  15. ditto69
    June 27th, 2016

    I failed on Friday 06/27/2016. 781 score. I tried 1069 questions from lead2pass… I saw questions about PACL and VACL that weren’t on the 1069 questions. Anyone recommend something valid?

  16. mohsha
    June 28th, 2016

    hi guys i need vce simulator 2.2.4 with its crack to get ready for exam,anybody can help me? how can i take the tests without vce simulator

  17. Recert
    June 29th, 2016

    Passed recently – PassLeader 1069 + 16 new questions.

  18. Random Guy
    June 29th, 2016

    Did the exam today and failed miserably…didn’t use any dumps.
    ..as someone said above, it’s literally impossible.

  19. Peter
    June 30th, 2016

    China Dump 75% + 22 new questions PDF 15% + new questions 10 % Please be careful some questions in the dump it’s wrong answer and answer rearrange position so it will make you confuse. Finally Passed…

  20. Unglybird
    June 30th, 2016

    did exam yesterday. I do not and did not use dumps at all. I failed. the exam is full of trivia questions. And for many questions, weird wording is used to increase complexity rather than testing on real networking knowledge with reasonable clear questions… such a disappointment…

  21. ccie wannabe
    July 1st, 2016

    @Recert : could u plz share those 16 questions ? thanks

  22. Jedi
    July 1st, 2016

    Anyone can share the 16 new question file ?? Plan to take the exam next week

  23. N-anomous
    July 2nd, 2016

    Passed today. Use the http://certcollection.org/forum/topic/294513-400-101-ccie-rs-written-dumps-100-pass/ link. About 90 percent of the questions are on there. make sure you know the drag and drop.

  24. Danar
    July 2nd, 2016

    Hello guys, i am ready to take my CCIE R&S before it expires, i wanna know if the LAB challenges are the written exam real LABs or not? if not, where can i get the real ones?

  25. gggg
    July 2nd, 2016

    when will the lab exam change to new version ?

  26. Mak
    July 4th, 2016

    Where can I get ” ACT 937″ ? please let me know. I used actual test ver21.0 but it is not valid.. only 50% you can see similar one.

  27. Mak
    July 4th, 2016

    25th July

  28. Techie
    July 4th, 2016

    Hello, I am going to write my v5.0 exam. What’s the suggestion. Please and thank you.

  29. JustMe
    July 4th, 2016

    I believe from 25 July

  30. Choke_on_it
    July 5th, 2016

    Failed today. 937 is not VALID

  31. Anon
    July 5th, 2016

    @gggg, It changes on 25th July

  32. AnonX21X
    July 6th, 2016

    Hi Guys.

    Actual test now is in versión 22.

  33. JustMe
    July 8th, 2016

    On 18 July I will take my first step with my CCIE journey, having to deal with 5.1
    In the past couple of years I have done CCNA RS, CCNP RS, CCNA Sec and some of the CCNP Sec, and have been fortunate to work in an environment that only uses Cisco.

    For the CCIE RS I have most of the study material that I need, keeping in mind some parts will change and I don’t have anything for that at this stage
    Physical Hardware and Virtual Setup (GNS and )is almost ready to start training

    I have worked out how I will do this, and that if I though I knew what I was doing there is much I still have to learn.

    To all of you who will be attempting this long and hard journey, stay positive, never give up and goodluck

  34. JustMe
    July 8th, 2016

    Soon I will start the final part of my Routing and Switching journey with the CCIE RS v5.1
    In the last couple of years I have done CCNA RS, CCNP RS, CCNA Sec and 1 CCNP Sec exam

    I have most of my CBT Videos excl the new material for v5.1
    I have UNL running on a Server and GNS3 on my laptop

    I have been gathering everything that I need for the last couple of months, and it’s now time to start the final journey, which makes the THOUSANDS of hours of learning and testing seem like nothing.

    They say if you think you’ve learnt alot wait till you start studying for your CCIE, well I can’t wait to learn some more !

    To the rest of you that will be taking this same journey always remember : work hard, be resourceful and consistent, never give up and if you think you know it by heart lab it 3 more times

  35. Blabla
    July 9th, 2016

    Anyone has dumps of the latest version? I am appearing next week.

  36. unknown
    July 9th, 2016

    Did anyone take exam recently? Please share your feedback?

  37. Helper
    July 9th, 2016

    Hey Guys,

    Can anyone who passed/Failed till now confirm the passing score from the score card.?

    In 350-001 it was 790.

  38. Anonymous
    July 10th, 2016

    Passed 07/08. 986/326 helped but many questions out no part of dumps..be logical in answering qns,

  39. CCIEX4
    July 11th, 2016

    Passed today. 937 is still valid! WHOO HOOO WOO WHOO WOO HOOO PEW PEW POKIE MON

  40. Assibong Kajih
    July 11th, 2016

    Updated again???

  41. Rocky
    July 11th, 2016

    What version of ccie written dumps is valid?

  42. santoshm_75
    July 11th, 2016

    Hey all,

    I am planning to appear before 25th July, but not yet sure which is the valid question details need to be referred for the exam its totally confusing….

    Could somebody help with information to prepare for the exam to appear…..

    Thanks all. Please help.

  43. Chris C
    July 11th, 2016

    Just passed CCNP trio. Looking to take written exam within the next 6 months. Would appreciate testing material or any insight! blargg at gmail dot com

  44. santoshm_75
    July 12th, 2016

    Which one is valid for the exam please update, as I am planning to appear before 25th..

    Thanks to all…

  45. Gavin Leung
    July 13th, 2016

    Just Passed!!! PassLeader 1119q + 8 new questions.

  46. Newbie89999
    July 14th, 2016

    Took the written exam today at their big event. Too many new questions that are not in the dumps mentioned here.

  47. CCIE
    July 14th, 2016

    Hi Team,

    Anybody took exam recently? any update?

  48. derz
    July 15th, 2016

    passed using 400 q prem dumps…!…..

  49. SARA
    July 15th, 2016

    hello friends..anyone passed?? please update.

  50. el_B
    July 15th, 2016

    Congrats Gavin!!! Are the 8 new questions from IoT? Do you think Passleader 1119q is valid?

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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