Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. Peter Pham
    January 6th, 2020


    I passed on 3/Jan/2020 using PL105 dump.

    9xx points.

    Good luck!

  2. Brando
    January 6th, 2020

    Peter Pham, so it means that PL105 is reliable and updated?

  3. Wally
    January 6th, 2020

    Peter and Brando… what is this “PL105” dump?

  4. Peter Pham is FAKE FAKE FAKE
    January 6th, 2020

    Peter Pham is FAKE FAKE FAKE

    Peter Pham is FAKE FAKE FAKE

    Peter Pham is FAKE FAKE FAKE

  5. Isaha
    January 6th, 2020

    Better buy Homer’s dump or s p 0 t 0 dump. Rest all are faking their dump with HUGE number of questions.

  6. Isaha
    January 6th, 2020

    Yes @CaptainPrivate PL dump is useless.

  7. Isaha
    January 6th, 2020

    2 of my Friends failed after which i decided to buy Homer’s dump. Homer’s dump is even cheaper than p@$$le@der dump.

  8. Brando
    January 6th, 2020

    How many questions are there in homers dump?

  9. ccie new
    January 6th, 2020

    what is this “PL105” dump?

  10. ccie new
    January 6th, 2020

    could you please tell me what is this “PL105” dump?

  11. ccie new
    January 6th, 2020

    Which statement about the BGP synchronization rule is true?
    A. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    B. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route on
    its routing table through an IGP
    C. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    D. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP

    Answer : C

    You agree

  12. mabus
    January 6th, 2020

    Hi homer,

    Many thanks in advance. Could you please provide the latest dumps,

    mike . espiritu2017 @ gmail . com

  13. ccie new
    January 6th, 2020

    Could you please provide the latest dumps
    rachiud @ hotmail . fr

  14. ccie
    January 6th, 2020

    Homer hi. Please publish one or two new questions so me to be sure the dump is updated.
    If it is I am ready to buy your dumps for a good price.

    Waiting for reply if you are serious…

  15. ccie new
    January 6th, 2020

    hommer ,65 dolars fors pdf semms very expensive

  16. Brando
    January 6th, 2020

    Anyone used dumpsbase dot com dumps?

  17. Mustafa
    January 6th, 2020

    Guys, passed the exam using Homer’s dump. 92x. His dump is valid. Ignore the stupid trolls. Very good service. Worth every penny.

    Anyone using my name to make fake comment is the ran ran ru troller. Mustafa.

  18. ccie new
    January 7th, 2020

    hommer , how many questions are there in the dumps
    what’s the last update questions ?

    January 7th, 2020

    passed yesterday.

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


    January 7th, 2020

    Which statement about the BGP synchronization rule is true?
    A. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    B. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route on
    its routing table through an IGP
    C. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    D. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP

    Answer : C

  21. miley
    January 7th, 2020

    homers dump is valid. score 940 today.
    best dump vendor and much much much cheaper than s p o t o or ielab.networks.
    don’t waste $300 when you can get better service for less price and a long time friendship.
    he is a gentleman indeed.

  22. Brando
    January 7th, 2020

    @ Miley, How many questions are there in homers dump?

  23. Abby
    January 7th, 2020

    Hi homer,

    Many thanks in advance. Could you please provide the latest dumps,

    Sweet aprar @ gmail . com

  24. Boy Bombilya
    January 7th, 2020

    @Homer, guys

    Please share latest dumps…. siteoforigin @ yahoo . com

    Thanks in advance

  25. Tee
    January 8th, 2020

    HI Homer

    please share latest dumps CCIE R&S.. {email not allowed}
    Thanks in advance

  26. Tee
    January 8th, 2020

    HI Homer

    please share latest dumps CCIE R&S.. thanzyteem @ gmail. com

    Thanks in advance

  27. miley
    January 8th, 2020

    @brando 130 question. i scored 940. all questions from his dump. and its true about PL105. it is fake. p@ss l3ader dump will get you fail and $99 wasted. Better invest in homers dump or like other member isaha said buy from s p 0 t 0. the point is homers dump is cheaper than $99 p@ss l3ader dump and $300 s p 0 t 0 s dump moreover homers dump is accurate.

  28. Brando
    January 8th, 2020

    @miley, where to buy the homers dump? Is there a website on where you can pay for it?

  29. ccie new
    January 8th, 2020

    in 130 questions , there are the news questions ? the dump is updated ? when updated ?

  30. Anonymous
    January 8th, 2020

    I found the www . exam4lead.com/cisco/400-101-dumps. html without space

    546 question for $40

    somonde used this dump ? it is valid ?

    546 questions is lot of few isn’it ?

  31. Neil
    January 8th, 2020

    I found labs

  32. fukneil
    January 8th, 2020

    neil, stick is up your ass

    January 9th, 2020

    passed yesterday,

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


  34. John
    January 9th, 2020

    I just passed.
    Thanks a lot.
    I’ve latest questions.
    If anyone interested please Wots app me at + 1 18722214899
    And yes. No promotion. It’s free. Help others

  35. Anonymous
    January 9th, 2020

    Which statement about the BGP synchronization rule is true?
    A. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    B. A BGP router with yjgksynchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route on
    its routing table through an IGP
    C. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    D. A BGP router wit57h synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP

    Answer : C

  36. John
    January 9th, 2020

    In last message by mistake I enter wrong number. it’s + 1 8722214899

  37. John
    January 9th, 2020

    I am a scammer. I will scam you big time. I am an Indian call center boy.

  38. Binary
    January 9th, 2020

    @Homer, how many question have? its updated? I´m planning to take on Feb. Thank you

  39. Ed
    January 9th, 2020

    @John, i´m going the examan january 30th could you send me the new question to eedelgadost at gmail dot com, thank you so much.

  40. Anonymous
    January 9th, 2020

    @homer, please send me information about you dump. eedelgadost at gmail dot com.

  41. Binary
    January 9th, 2020

    S-p-o-t-o have 100q the same of PL. and has a big difference u$ 400 versus 99. both are right?¡? thank you very much.

  42. httv
    January 10th, 2020

    On February 24, Cisco will have major changes, the exam difficulty will be upgraded, and it will be difficult to obtain a stable dump in a short period of time. It was easy to pass the CCNP and CCIE exams before February, and the dump is very stable. Now is the best time to take the exam. Cisco certifications obtained before the reform are still valid and more valuable.
    This is a URL ↓↓↓

  43. Anonymous
    January 10th, 2020

    Uper Link is Fake Fake Fake


    Fake Fake

  44. Anonymous
    January 10th, 2020

    Which statement about the BGP synchronization rule is true?
    A. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    B. A BGP router with yjgksynchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route on
    its routing table through an IGP
    C. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    D. A BGP router wit57h synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP

    Answer : C.

    January 10th, 2020

    passed yesterday

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam.
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


  46. Anonymous
    January 10th, 2020

    Which statement about the BGP synchronization rule is true?
    A. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    B. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route on
    its routing table through an IGP
    C. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its iBGP learned routes to its eBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP
    D. A BGP router with synchronization enabled does not advertise its eBGP learned routes to its iBGP peers unless it has learned or verified this route
    on its routing table through an IGP

    Answer : C

  47. CCIE taker
    January 10th, 2020

    Hey guys,

    Homer dumps are legit. Just passed the exam

  48. ccie new
    January 10th, 2020

    What is the initial BFD state?
    A. Down
    B. Admin Down
    C. Init
    D. Up

    Answer C

  49. Natsuo
    January 10th, 2020

    i am also confirm here homers dump valid. i pass 4 day ago japan. never use PL dump i faile before attempt score 673 use pl dump. i buy homers dump then. less price than pl and 100% question caming to his dump in the exam. sorry my bad english

  50. Brando
    January 10th, 2020

    Natsuo, how did you purchase homers dump?

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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