Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is posting fake, my friend fail yesterday using his dumps, its fake, beware.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is cheater go for CCIEStore
can you share CCIEStore dumps ciscoccietest at gmail dot com
I am getting off this forum… not comming back.
I appreciate telling me how many questions are in the Prem Dev file you have
I failed yesterday from ccie wriiten all post from
@zysu @shown @musky you all are ccei
They are posting same kind of post everyday they just scared of premdev
And premdev become famous from his 105q file
Only because of premdev they decrease there price from 1000$ to 400$
And one more truth is that after doing 400$ they are not getting business only because of premdev
And thats why they are posting bad about premdev everyday
Do not believe that kind of post
You will see this kind of post everyday if you are user
Ccie written is really despo to sell his dumps
Arshad dhuna owner of ccie written he is really fake
My friend failed using his dumps.
Me and my friend both bought dumps from ccie written dot com
I failed today and my friend failed yesterday
I failed because i dont have choice to reschedule my exam.
I have one question fir ccie writen dot com
If premdev is fake then why dont u increase your price again to 1000$
You are not increasing it means premdev have real dumps
Do not make us fool
Admin please shut this advertisement from ccie . Written. Com
CCIEStore is the best we all know.
Prem Dev Fake and C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is bullshit.
@Fake ccie writtwn: So you took your exam on a sunday… good to know
Can someone guide,what to study if don’t want to follow the dumps for CCIE.
hey everyone, i am a DUAL CCIE(R&S, SP) instructor, I give online training for CCIE(SP)written and Lab & CCIE(R&S)written and Lab , i have the verified solutions for all the real labs for CCIE SP AND CCIE-R&S which are used by those people who have already passed and are still passing by using them, the training will be 100% genuine as it is already appreciated by people who are currently taking it and took it in the past. Interested candidates can contact at expert.ccie.4133 at
@ccieexpert what sort of timescale does the ccie written training take?
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is posting fake, my friend fail yesterday using his dumps, its fake, beware.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is cheater, router-ie fake forum
Passed today! You can get your valid dumps at the walking dead ccie . C o M
what the hell is going on here everyone is advertising it self
no one discussing about dumps
Failed today! No valid dumps. Cisco changed everyone and is suing everyone. Cisco not worth it anymore.
Scored 999! Get your dumps at ccie written dot c o m
please admin shut this advertisement for this fuk.r
@ Alexccie
How do you know it is “full exact”?
its me
and i didnt post anything about k7 and all that
but i am damn sure it is marketing from ccie written fuk.r
and i think they used also
so post from CCIE master is not real CCIE master
this site is only belong to ccie fuke.r dot com do not believe they used my name
and CCIE master’s name
admin must do somthing to same this forum otherwise real user will never get real information
ccie written is totally fake
because i read last two page lots off people failed in last 3 days using their dumps
please guys read 3 page atleast for better to know
CCIE writtttteeeennennnnm ……. cccccoooo,mmmmmm is total spam and using some real users id
do not go with them
thats my personal experience
Yes. CCCCIIIIIIEEEE is totally fake.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is posting fake, I failed today, no singal question from dumps.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M sucks and posts with our names.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is fake workbook.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is outdated.
C C I E W R I T T E N dot C O M is cheater.
I passed today using CCIESTORE material , this cover around 70% of the new questions , Reamining I got from passleader /at. If use both , u can pass
@Lookman could you share something?
Go and buy, he will not share because he is fake advertiser.
So unfortunate that they give me exe file with single computer license and reg key, I will try to make some snapshots !
@CCIE Master , man why are u angry ? I said what happened for my exam, are u the agent from famous well known cheater , before I failed using from them
Ha ha , now posting using my name , I don’t care , because I passed
@Lookman If you make some snapshots it will be much appreciated
If you are not advertiser then, dont get disappeared.
Share it.
@ Lookman (real poster) let me know how i can get in touch to discuss the CCIE Store stuff
Please share your dumps regardless of pass/fail
ccie cheater is posting using my name
if any user found myname with the advertisement of CCIE WRTTTTEN CCCOOOOMMMM
Do not believe
really they are desopo to sell his dumps
please user do not believe they are posting using my name
because their dumps are not valid i read the user are not passing using their dumps
so please do not believe CCIE WRRITEN CCCCOOOOMMMM
Arshad dhuna
i have to find out you sucke.r and i know where are you from
you are posting using my name you are really fu.king as.s ho.l
Why are there no questions?
Passed today 1000/1000, thanks to CCIE WRTTTTEN CCCOOOOMMMM
All questions from K7++++ word to word thanks to CCIE WRTTTTEN CCCOOOOMMMM
what is K7+++++
Where is the admin of this forum? Why permit this stuff here?
gaand mai dalo…study yourself , don’t use dumps , don’t reduce the value of a CCIE
guys, attempted today, didn’t pass, lots of new questions, only 40-50% from AT839 came out…the new questions were ridiculously tricky
please admin shut the page
its immidiate action is required
BECAUSE CCIE WRITTEN DOT COM using some real user’s name and misleading the people
and who said passed with 999 are fake because none of question in written has 1 point
if you have one wrong answer then you will get 994 or 992
I passed today! My score is 820. Using AT839 and Official Cert Guide.
how many questions frm AT839?