Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. Bleeblu
    October 7th, 2019

    Wow this thread has really gone down the drain..

    To think that this is supposed to be a CCIE level discussion.

  2. Anonymous
    October 7th, 2019

    one thing sure this guy is jobless and his parents dont love him

  3. WhiteCat
    October 7th, 2019

    Yo Dizzy cakes please F off

  4. Abdel
    October 7th, 2019

    pass. used homers dump today. score 910. few question not in homer dump. better service than spato

  5. Kader
    October 7th, 2019

    @Abdel, could you share your dump?
    samyso95 at yahoo dot com

  6. Anonymous
    October 7th, 2019

    Passed using hongkongking dickass monkey hongkie dongkie…loveyou hongkie…lol

  7. Abdel
    October 7th, 2019

    i could share but 1st it will be against my iman. it will be bad to break someones trust. you can safely buy his dump. his team is professional. we can invest little when we invest so much for written and lab. good luck brother.

  8. Yoyo
    October 7th, 2019

    please can any one have Dump for CCIE security or Sites that share experience ..my email is
    negnyared @gmail please help me out…….

  9. Kader
    October 7th, 2019

    @Abdel, yes i am agree with you
    thanks bro

  10. element
    October 7th, 2019

    @Abdel, almost all of the questions you encountered are from Homer’s dump?

  11. Adbel
    October 7th, 2019

    @element. one new dd not in his dump. 5-10 question from old hamedmirza or homer old dump. he will guide you if you need better score. in his dump you will get pass and if use his old dump you get 920 – 950 above. i bought sp0t@ also but they are terrible. i am out here now. too many negatvity here. good luck everyone. allah hafiz.

  12. H24
    October 7th, 2019

    does any one knows if this dump is still valid?

    change 11 for //

  13. Rambo
    October 8th, 2019

    Can someone share dumps?

  14. Abdel
    October 8th, 2019

    ok i will share the dump for everyone here, i promised so please wait for me.

  15. Ccietaker
    October 8th, 2019

    How many qns is in Homer’s dump?

  16. element
    October 8th, 2019

    @Abdel you will break Homer’s trust?

  17. hongkongkingking
    October 8th, 2019


  18. Remy
    October 8th, 2019

    Which three connectivity models for vEdge Site Architecture are true? (Choose three.)
    A. secure tunnel
    B. full SD-WAN
    C. cloud provider
    D. secure virtual connectivity
    E. augmentation model
    F. hybrid with FallBack

  19. Remy
    October 8th, 2019

    which one is the correct?
    ABF or BDF

  20. Abdel
    October 8th, 2019

    @element no dear. someone using my name. homer warn me not to come here and give feedback. i will be troll. shud had listen him. i shall not share dump i am sorry. good luk everyone

  21. Abdel
    October 8th, 2019

    @Remy not ABF nor BDF. BEF

  22. Abdel
    October 8th, 2019

    @Remy not ABF nor BDF. BEF is right.

  23. Remy
    October 8th, 2019

    why BEF

  24. fasfas
    October 8th, 2019

    Today is a wonderful day, what about you?

  25. Storm78
    October 8th, 2019

    @Abdel , Can hoy share the dump?
    juantg78 at gmail

    Thank you very much!!!

  26. hongkongking
    October 8th, 2019

    oh im a bwahaha bitach im a monkey in the jail wahaha
    im G A Y i wanna f u c k with dogs
    i eat my s h i t all day ?

  27. Abdel
    October 8th, 2019

    @Storm78 sure, wait for me please

  28. Anonymous
    October 8th, 2019

    Hi Abdel, can you share it with me as well? cciecollaboration1983 at gmail
    Thank you in advance

  29. hongkongking
    October 8th, 2019

    dance my biatch keep dancing 😀 guys this biatch uses other members user name and post comment. he is also using Abdels username and make fake comments.

  30. hongkongking
    October 8th, 2019

    ahha! that’s me i use other members name hahaha. im crazy because im B I T C H monkey wahaha ?

  31. hongkongking
    October 8th, 2019

    keep dancing biatch he he he

    October 8th, 2019

    passed yesterday with score 96x/1000

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


  33. what
    October 8th, 2019

    Which three connectivity models for vEdge Site Architecture are true? (Choose three.)
    A. secure tunnel
    B. full SD-WsAN
    C. cloud provider
    D. secure virtual connectivity
    E. augmentation model
    F. hybrid with FallBack

  34. H24
    October 8th, 2019

    mirza hamed dump is not valid, new questions! somebody that share new dump?

  35. Rambo
    October 9th, 2019

    Anyone can share valid dump to pass?

  36. hongkongking
    October 9th, 2019

    keep eating my S H I T he he he

    October 9th, 2019

    actually i didn’t pass the exam. i just want sell fake dump and earn money. sorry for everyone here

  38. hongkongking
    October 9th, 2019

    who want to see my little dick he he he

    October 9th, 2019

    passed yesterday with score 96x/1000

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


    My Mother For Sale at below link


  40. Eyinfunjowo
    October 9th, 2019

    pass today with 922 score using homer dump.
    only few questions from hamedmirza rest all come from homer dump.
    good service and constant support till your exam day.
    super like it.

    October 9th, 2019

    actually didn’t passed. i just want to sell expensive old dump for guys here.

  42. Eyinfunjowo
    October 9th, 2019

    me too, the fact is i didn’t get dump from homer, and i failed the exam.
    i just joking here. so who can send me the dump, i really need it.

    October 9th, 2019

    failed yesterday with score 50x/1000

    big booobs are beautiful in my room
    succk my dick will be great
    grandmother to pe dophilia, blowing job


    My Mother fuucker For Sale at below link

    p o rn hub .com /6UgS1

  44. hongkongking
    October 9th, 2019

    dance my biatch dance he he he your mommy daddy must be very proud of you. try to get a full time job biatch instead trolling on internet.

  45. N20
    October 9th, 2019

    hamedmirza not valid man. like 10 q only in exam. how to contact this homer dude everyone talk about.

  46. Homerr
    October 9th, 2019

    And also you can donate us 5 USD and we will provide free valid dump for guys here.


  47. hongkongking
    October 9th, 2019

    Where is my biatch come out and play with me biatch 😀 he he he dance for me biatch

  48. hongkongking
    October 9th, 2019

    homer you m0therfacker share you dump here

  49. Achoo420
    October 9th, 2019


    BEF are correct.

  50. exam sproute
    October 9th, 2019

    Hello, anyone have informatión about 642-883(sproute) test?. please

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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