Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. Shweta_dumper_from_Homer
    October 2nd, 2019

    everybody here are trollers, who is not anybody can disguise here…common dont tell me you can recognize who’s genuine and not…you are a genius if you can…hahahaha

  2. passed
    October 2nd, 2019

    Homer, B, Shweta are vendors here…don’t trust guys…be careful
    Homer, B, Shweta are vendors here…don’t trust guys…be careful
    Homer, B, Shweta are vendors here…don’t trust guys…be careful

  3. @passed
    October 2nd, 2019

    **samyso*95@yahoo*.*com** , without (*)
    if you have valid dumps please

  4. Rtut Questions
    October 2nd, 2019

    passed yesterday with score 96x/1000

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


  5. Anonymous
    October 2nd, 2019

    Which two statements about IP SLA are true? (Choose two)
    A. SNMP access is not supported
    B. It uses active traffic monitoring
    C. It is Layer 2 Transport-independent
    D. The IP SLA resqsponder is a component in the source Cisco device.
    E. It can measure MOS
    F. It uses NetFlow for passive traffic monitoring
    Correct Answer: BC
    Section: (none)

  6. Homerr_desperated
    October 2nd, 2019

    lol…if you are a vendor here you don’t need to answer those trolls, guess what vendors normally do this kind of things…just my 2 cents

  7. Doubt
    October 3rd, 2019

    Hello, My CCNP certification is expiring and I’m planning to take CCIE written. Will my CCNP get renewed? If so for 3 years? Please correct me on this. Thanks a lot.

  8. passed@Homerr
    October 3rd, 2019

    @Homerr is this what you doing for a living? If yes, it’s quite pity for you as you don’t have a professional job…so maybe consider you as a troller itself…hahaha…peace out..btw, don’t be pissed off you don’t know all the trollers here…:)

  9. tonde
    October 3rd, 2019

    homer dump valid. pass few hour earlier 89x

  10. CCIE_Worker
    October 3rd, 2019

    @Doubt, yes if you obtain the CCIE written your CCNP will be renewed automatically for 3 years

  11. CCIE_user
    October 3rd, 2019

    If you just want to renew your CCNP don’t go for CCIE which is 450$ and so much material to learn, just pay 250$ on your CCNP switch which is the easyest and you will have CCNP renewed for 3 years. Keep in mind CCIE write it is valid only for 2 years and you need to try your first atempt to lab exam within 18 months

  12. bpk
    October 3rd, 2019

    @tonde how many questions did you encounter to the new ccie written exam?

    All came from homer’s dump?

  13. CCIE_Security
    October 3rd, 2019

    is there anyone can help me find Dump for CCIE security please??

  14. CCIE_user
    October 3rd, 2019

    Try certcollection forum

  15. tonde
    October 3rd, 2019

    15q from old dump. 3-5 new q which not in homer dump rest all came in homer dump. you pass from homer dumps which is what matter. u can reach above 9xx score. 804 is pass

  16. Bepe
    October 3rd, 2019

    Where is homer dump ?

  17. bpk
    October 3rd, 2019

    @tonde, thanks for the confirmation. The new exam is total of how many? 100?

  18. CCIE_user
    October 3rd, 2019

    I am sharing s_p0to latest via small fe.e on pa-ypal, is there someone interested?

  19. element
    October 4th, 2019

    CCIE_user, the s_p0to dumps consist of how many questions? And how much it cost?

  20. Omari
    October 4th, 2019

    Alhamdulillah, i pass my written. 100 questions in exam. Homer dump is valid. Result 912

  21. Free Premium File
    October 4th, 2019

    passed yesterday with score 96x/1000

    D&D are valid no new one in my exam
    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP


  22. Anonymous
    October 4th, 2019

    Which two statements about IP SLA are true? (Choose two)
    A. SNMP access is wsqnot supported
    B. It uses active traffic msonitoring
    C. It is Layersq 2 Transpwort-independent
    D. The IP SaswsaLA resqsponder is a component in the source Cisco device.
    E. It can measure MOS
    F. It uses NetFlow for passive traffic monitoring
    Correct Answer: BC
    Section: (none)

  23. Dre
    October 4th, 2019

    please share pass dump.
    {email not allowed}

  24. CCIE_user
    October 4th, 2019

    for latest s_p0to please write to me on antonio.francisc1990 gmail . com for 50$ i will give you all the questions and proof that i have them first.

  25. ccietobe
    October 4th, 2019

    yes CCIE_user, how many question the latest? and advise the damage

  26. Anonymous
    October 5th, 2019

    @homerr – Please contact me at {email not allowed}

  27. Anonymous
    October 5th, 2019

    @homerr – How can i contact you

  28. CCIE_user
    October 5th, 2019

    The s_p0to dump has 105 questions i have the proof they are original since i made pictures right in the player in their server via remote desktop. Look i just want to get some money back. not all of it…but some..that is why i sell them for 50$

  29. ccietobe
    October 5th, 2019

    thanks CCIE_user…how to contact you?

  30. ccietobe
    October 5th, 2019

    CCIE_user drop you email

  31. hongkongking
    October 5th, 2019

    CCIE_user so you can not provide dump update in case of exam change right? you just want our money to fill your pocket isn’t it?

  32. CCIE_user
    October 5th, 2019

    HK people are gathering money on c3rtcollect1on forum to buy dumps usually 10-20 people only 1 account. Others prefer to buy them and then sold them to a limited number of persons just to cover the expense not to make money. It is the same thing really. You cannot get rich by selling to 2 people, but recover 100$(50×2) from 2 persons from 300$ spent (30%) it is a fair deal don’t you think? And yes these dumps are stable for a short period of time…then another guy after x weeks will buy his 300$ sp_0to dumps and will try to recover 100-150 from them …where is the crime here..NONE.

  33. CCIE_user
    October 5th, 2019

    This is my last comment here, after this i wish you all good luck. I have searched every question from dump on go0g1e…and most of them are old question 6-12 months or more you can find them in free dumps. So i decided not to sell this dump, i don’t care if i payed 300$ on them. If someone fooled me by selling me old dumps, i will not do the same. You can find on many w3bs1tes old dumps…including on vc3gu1d3…you can practice on 1500 questions from last years for free. This wasn’t about making money, it was about recover 30-50% of my investment and also help 2-3 people which cannot afford paying the 300$ fee, but i will not sell fakes. I wish you good luck on your exams.

  34. ccietobe
    October 5th, 2019

    CCIE_user drop you message and interested on your resource, let me know. cheers

  35. ccietobe
    October 5th, 2019

    CCIE_user just ignore that HKking…you know what is the situation there now it’s just like one of the protester

  36. CCIE_user
    October 5th, 2019

    ccietobe, i am not selling/sharing anything anymore… i was trying to recover some of my money spent on dumps but it was a bad idea so i quit. My advice to you: 1. solve any free dump from this year you can find on any website. 2.there are some cheap vendors here, i think spending a small amount of money worth it. Like HK said…they keep the questions updated etc..Have a great day!

  37. ccietobe
    October 5th, 2019

    no worries, i dont care with that hongkie guy anyway

  38. CCIE_user_desperate
    October 5th, 2019

    ccietobe and CCIE_user both are same guy try to earn money or ccietobe is sucking CCIE_user’s dick in for petty money. ccietobe why dont you get a real job? Same goes for CCIE_use.

  39. CCIE_user_desperate_moron
    October 6th, 2019

    Hey, nice try coward…maybe you don’t have a job moron.
    You have plenty of time to comment here…lol

  40. hongkongking
    October 6th, 2019

    haha what are you doing here CCIE_user_desperate_moron ? have plenty of time too? hahaha

  41. element
    October 6th, 2019

    Is there any passer here that used Homer’s latest dumps?

  42. hongkongking_prostester_eatdick
    October 6th, 2019

    you should be on the street now to prostest coward dick…hahaha…don’t be pissed off…seems you don’t have a good job and you always protest…bwahahaha

  43. hongkongking
    October 6th, 2019

    you are the one who need job or making stupid comments on rstut and using abusing members which you consider as “trolling” is your full time job ? 😀

  44. hongkie_pissed_off_coward
    October 6th, 2019

    lol…mind your own business coward…hahaha…nonsense moron!!!!

  45. hongkongking
    October 6th, 2019

    fell right in my trap. pissed much? 😀 n00b troller got pwned in his own game he he he

  46. SHUT UP
    October 6th, 2019

    shut the f8ck up bitches and share homers dump the fkc you both are doing here if not here for dump

  47. Anonymous
    October 6th, 2019

    trollers getting trolled lol anywho can anyone share valid dump

  48. eiji
    October 6th, 2019

    this is fun place. the guy who uses long names bwahaha got owned by hongkongkong.

    bwahaha 0 hongkongding 1 continue. ty for the entertainment and share sp0toto or homers dump.

  49. CiscoProctor
    October 7th, 2019

    F spoto and c4c

  50. Homerr
    October 7th, 2019

    And I will share dumps to everyone, but first I need to kiss hongkongking’s ass hole.

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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