Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
I have done my Test 952/1000!
D&D are valid no new one in my exam
BGP best path selection criteria
ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP
What is the task of an IGMP Snooping Querier?
It facilitates populating the group membership tables on IGMP Snooping-enabled switches
It coordinates the election of a mapping agent
It can limit the number of multicast messages a host receives
It sends PIM-SM messages to all multicast routers
Which two statements about route summarization are true? (Choose two.)
Routes are automatically summarized to their classful boundary with OSPF
EIGRP leardned routes are automatically summarized
When a packet is routed to a destination, the router chooses the most specific prefix from the routing table
BGP sends both specific and aggregate routes unless the keyword “summary-only” is configured
It is recommended for use on discontiguous networks
I passed the exam yesterday and i can share some tips with you guys. We can create study group for the lab as well. You can reach me out santtantaka(at)
Great!I passed the exam today, 948/1000
Most of the questions are the same! This made it easy for me to take the exam after two days of reviewing!
This forum is really bad nowadays. 9 in 10 posts are fake testimonials trying to sell their dumps. It used to have people sharing valid dumps and discussing the correct answers. now…
@Ferris, do you know where we can find a similar but with a better forum without hundreds of scammers, infact its a few scammers staying here all the time.
Ferris, agree with you, now most here are just after a payday. It is mostly funny to see the constant scammers. This is an open forum and any one can post anything. My advice to all who are studying for the exam is to read cert books and understand each concept and research. It will take time but you will be ready.
Good luck on your certification pursuit
Dear Totally aggre. thank u for ur advice. please follow the same. if u got valid dump then share here otherwise shove ur advice up your…. FO. ty 🙂
please someone send me latest dump (diamond.(iron9999)@(gmail).(com) please remove ()
https: // mega . nz /#!YeZhAQbY!JuF9fv38sj4TVB2YLXqgd5rcpUyHr_n8Nl_OKEibynY
guys prepare with this
avoid homer and avoid buying.
AVOID homer,
this mega link is enough
https: // mega . nz /#!YeZhAQbY!JuF9fv38sj4TVB2YLXqgd5rcpUyHr_n8Nl_OKEibynY
Hi guys download the RnS v5 IOU
Could you please latest dumps CCIE R&S
thanks for sharing the iou ,,,,its much helpful
could u pls share the remaining iou also.
I went to the exam yesterday and it was successful!
Which two statements about dwCEF polarization are true? (Choose two)
A.The ANscD operation is performed on the higher-order bits of the source and destination IP address
B.A single link is chodsen for all flows
C.The AdND operation is performed on the lower-order bits of the source and destination IP address
D.After the XOR process, the flow is processed in the distribution Layer with a different hashing algorithm
E.It can be prevented by alternating the hashing inputs F.When enabled, it allows all links to be used efficiently for different traffic flows
Correct Answer: BE
Which statement correctly describes Ansible operations and playbooks?
A.Ansible is agent-based and uses playbooks formatted in YAML
B.Ansible is agentless and uses playbooks formatted in YAML
C.Ansible is agentless and uses playwdbooks formatted in XML
D.Ansible is agent-based and uses playbooks formatted in XML
Correct Answer: B
I used the dump of the PH to pass the exam.
I have done my Test 952/1000!
D&D are valid no new one in my exam
BGP best path selection criteria
ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP
Which two statements about CEF polarization are true? (Choose two)
A.The AND operation is performed on the higher-order bits of the source and destination IP address
B.A single link is chosen for all flows
C.The AND operation is performed on the lower-order bits of the source and destination IP address
D.After the XOR pr-)ocess, the flow is processed in the distribution Layer with a different hashing algorithm
E.It can be prevented by alternating the hashing inputs F.When enabled, it allows all links to be used efficiently for different traffic flows
Correct Answer: BE
Which statement correctly describes Ansible operations and playb&(ooks?;)
A.Ansible is agent-based and uses playbooks formatted in YAML
B.Ansible is ageedqntlwdfess and uses playbooks formatted in YAML
C.Ansible is agentless and uses pl:(aybooks formatted in XML
D.Ansibl’e is agent-based and uses playbooks formatted in XML
Correct Answer: B
Hi All,
i have lastest 400-101 questions. we paid 300 usd for it. And its valid now. we passed. i can share if you interested.
sir can u pls confirm the vce below is valid or not
https: // mega . nz /#!YeZhAQbY!JuF9fv38sj4TVB2YLXqgd5rcpUyHr_n8Nl_OKEibynY
sweetie , icheck your link but it doesn’t work. everybody you can communicate with me
g a n g s t a s h @ y a h o o . c o m
To all the fake homerr’s and trollers, we hope you spend the rest of your life in rstut doing negative publicity for us. Any publicity is a good publicity. We already got 10 new clients because of your comments and they were happy to know we are as real the air they breath so continue with your negative comments and trolling. Good luck for your exam, Homer.
everyone can see your desperation for fraud, scamming. go get some life. do some real work instead making money from copy pasting.
check this link below get the material and start preparation
it has 85q vce and 13 DnD, that will suffice.
https: // mega . nz /#!YeZhAQbY!JuF9fv38sj4TVB2YLXqgd5rcpUyHr_n8Nl_OKEibynY
avoid giving money to any who is asking money
@Ed Thank you for sharing, I also passed the exam!
what did u used ? can u confirm above mega link dump ?
@totally agree, @ferris, @Merlz, @anonymous
guys what happend how are you preparing reply…. this mega link above seems legit. i prepared with it. but unsure of its validity
guys read this h t t p s : / / certcollection . org /forum/topic/325625-ccie-rs-400-101-written-exam-solutions-discussion/page__st__350
comment of mike1835 i few such comments on certcollectoin mega link 100q is not valid.
i am my frend apear in exam for 5th july. if someone have homer dump plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss share.
mike1835 in certcollection didnt said anything about megalink, he said the above questions which were 4-5questions other guys asked, he said those where not in his exam. So saying that what made you think that mike meant about 100q. are you one of desperate homer agent ?
@Anonymous is confirmed desperate homer guy,
because in certcollection link those question which mike1835 was talking about are no way part of 100q mega link. so this double verifies that mega link 100q can be valid,
1- homer guy falsely trying to create negativity about 100q mega link so that he can sell his crap
2- mike1835 did truely said above questions were not in exam, and those above question not even single are even a part of 100q mega link.
this shows 100q mega link is valid. Just imagine why would the freely available thing others are trying to say its valid, and only one scammer-fraud trying to devalue it.
thanks scammer for indirectly helping us.
Finally passed the 400-101 exam recently!
Scored 9xx!!!
I mainly learned the new version Pa(no space)ss (no space) Lea(no space)der 400-101 dumps (100Q Version, YES!), new PL 100Q truly has all of the new questions in complete.
Special thanks guys for sharing!
Good luck, all!
@George McPherson
congrats, so share with us PL 100Q which you used. thanks in advance george.
if you dont share it means you are also agent and scammer trying to sell. if you are genuine then share. please !
chltr u fcker iam no one agent u r homers agent your mom is homer agent also. u r the one doing homer homer homer all day bringhing him cilent. ur mom also bring him client? he is ur mom pimp? i am just said what other said in certcolelction and i am here for valid dump for me and my friend. now u go fck ur mom with homer u i got good dump to try exam in certcollection. bye bye bitch.
I took the CCIE written about a month ago and, best I can remember, most of the questions in the mega download were on there. Don’t just memorize the dumps. Actually learn why the answer is what it is. What good is the cert if you don’t know the material? You won’t last long on the job if you don’t know what you are doing.
Tens of people passing the test and no single one can share the file?
Then we get a file and one guy says the file is not valid, BUT does not share the valid too.
Guys, go to certcollection. There you have reputation rank and no anonymous scammers.
The file was shared in the above comments.!YeZhAQbY!JuF9fv38sj4TVB2YLXqgd5rcpUyHr_n8Nl_OKEibynY
i am happy how badly you thrashed homer, even i want same that homer get out of here,
well if you passed using mega link 85q + 13q means its great. lets see if some more confirm about its validity this days most recent
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
https: // mega . nz /#!YeZhAQbY!JuF9fv38sj4TVB2YLXqgd5rcpUyHr_n8Nl_OKEibynY
I am unable to open this link.. Is it valid still? How to open this link. Please help
today is good day
Before using it, I searched a lot of comments on the website on Google and got a lot of comments from netizens. It helped a lot of netizens pass the Cisco exam, so I chose this study material. It turns out that my choice is not Wrong, the website helped pass the CCNP 300-115 exam quickly. I hope my discovery can help you.
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
williams IS FAKE FAKE//..
williams IS FAKE FAKE//..
williams IS FAKE FAKE//..
Could you please provide Dumps RNS
i f*ck homer mom in her possy share me dump
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
Anyone noticed that Pa(no space)ss(no space)Lea(no space)der released the new version 400-101 dumps with 446q???
We need the new version P a (no space) s s (no space) L e a (no space) d e r 400-101 dumps (446q version)!!!
No more 100q dumps changed already don’t waste money guys
on what basis george ?
I saw new dumps released with 446 q if need you want try for it