Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
please share with me CCIE 400-101 dumps at
today is bad day
hi have good day
Latest 400-101 Dumps
look my name
free 400 101dumps recently so get it as soon as possible. I can only help you here.
passhot dot com
Passhot has free dumps recently so get it as soon as possible. I can only help you here.
passhot dot com
free 400 101 dumps
in passhot dot com
Please share the latest dumps to romeomuzendaatgmail dot com
pssed exam following link:
evedumps. com
Hi All,
if you need s.p.o.t.o dump 100Q
contact me drupal.biru @ gmail. com
I will provide the dumps for minimal price to you
Please let me know
Please share the latest dumps
Hello everybody,
passhot has the latest 400 101 dump. hurry up. Otherwise, the dump must be unstable again.
I repeat: Do NOT use Passleader, or let anyone trick you into using that terrible product. I failed 3 times using their material. There literally was like 4 or 5 questions from them and that’s it. I’m not one of these trolls that post misleading info. I’m a real engineer with a few kids and a wife and stable career. It’s expensive to keep wasting money on 400-101 and the dumps. Stay away from PL!
Thanks for sharing!
Luckily passed the 400-101 exam on 25/April/2019.
Questions are all available in that new PassLeader 400-101 dumps, just few answers are not same as the actual 400-101 test.
Thanks for updated PassLeader 400-101 dumps, helpful!
Good luck, all!
Hi Friends
May you please share with me how to do CCIE labs for free or at a lowercost. Am looking for ccie rs v5 lab manuals and demo xr and ios to use on eve-ng or gns3. Please help just ping me on fasto123 at yahoo dot com. I will appreciate it a lot pliz
Hi ,
Ebrahem , hope you are well .
please send me latest file at ahmedgc01 @ gmail com .
Ill be thankful to you .
dear Ebrahem
i wish u r fine and good health
dear if there is new update kindly share with me to
mkaddour @ live . com
Today I have done my test and get 965/1000 marks.
D&D are valid no new one in my exam
BGP best path selection criteria
ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP
Without Stars**
A few observations. The QoS questions were really easy in the end like someone who is CCNP and had done some QoS on the job could pass them I was very surprised by this. Like others mentioned the IS-IS section was really hard and I was amazed I passed. The Evolving tech questions I knew some of them but the others I have no idea how one is meant to know the correct answers or study for it. I had even purchased the $100 Evolving tech ebook and it was little to no help.
Oh well on to the lab.
I studied for the written using the following materials
Cert Guide vol 1 and 2 – Read Cover to Cover
Routing TCP/IP Vol 1 and 2. – I dipped into these to deep dive on certain topics of features.
End to End QoS Network Design – This was good to dip into as well.
Anki to make flash cards this was great for learning trivia style questions like BGP path selection etc…
INE Written Videos – Watched and made Anki cards to review
INE Advanced Tech Videos – Watched and did the labs in VIRL along with Brian this took a lot of time but was well worth it
Used VIRL to lab stuff from the Advanced Tech and just other technologies to confirm my understanding. Using the INE git repo made it easy to spin up typologies.
@Anil Kumar … that is a very misleading statement to the group. The PL dump is completely garbage and should not be used at all. People are spending a lot of money on the material and 400-101 and will be upset to fail using PL. I failed miserably using the dump that you are referring to. Very few Q&A were actually legit from PL … less than 10 questions out of 90. Terrible product and I requested refund :/
Thor can u rember the question u got
if yes plz write them
i was planning to buy braindump they were legit before is any body tried them reciently
@Km … unfortunately you have many trolls here trying to sell their dumps. I do not recall each question, but when I see them I recognize them. For example SNMP MCQ about message integrity, a question about L2 Private VLAN attributes (Isolation, etc), OSPF DnD on point-to-multipoint, etc. I tried PL 3 times in a row and failed all 3 times. I found another source but am not disclosing it here, because the trolls will try to ruin that as well. Best wishes! And if you search hard enough, you’ll find an alternative too, just don’t use PL, and don’t really trust people in this forum, it’s no longer as good as it used to be.
Hi Thor,
I appreciate if you suggest where find valid dump
May I write you in private or reach me on ciccio dot pilota73 at gmail dot com
Hi Thor,
I appreciate if you suggest where find valid dump
May I write you in private or reach me on ciccio dot pilota73bis at gmail dot com
Thor contact me on inetrail1 at gmail dot com
we can buy 2 different dump and exchange them just reach me i will give it 4 free if i buy it im not trying to scam u
since u know the question i want u to vrified it
@ mkaddour
@ ahmedgc01
@ radhouene6
@ gestradag
@ krytek
@ v f kayan
@ zsauber
@ dantegalicia1974
@ nnnn4444
@ ciscoccie 400101
@ ccnpsecure
@ swaneth gareth
check your emails 🙂
good luck
@ all guys
i’ve got the latest ccie r&s dumps :- v19.041 dump & 23-April dump
if anyone wants them just post his email here, i’ll send them for free.
please note :-
>>>>>> I DONT POST LINKS HERE <<<<<<<< there is someone using my name and posting FAKE links.
@ Ebrahem-
can u share me the Dumps for CCIE R&s please:
network . net 12345 @ gmail . com
no spaces in the email
Hi, Ebrahem
Please share the latest 400-101 to ezw o n 29 at naver. com
or anyone who has it, please send it to me
Please share the latest dump : asuan @ live dot ca
Hi Ebrahem
Please share to me as well . 4321kanna @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share the latest dump kalunafkot @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahem add my email too {email not allowed}
my email kiftipk @ hotmail . com
Hi Ebrahem,please email at mshoaibsultan165 at gmail
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share me the latest dumps to alohatunnel @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share the latest dump juantg78 @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share the latest dump ciccio.pilota73bis @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share the latest dump for 400-101
Email – {email not allowed}
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share the latest dump darynlim55 @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share the latest dump for 400-101
nuwankasthuri80 @ yahoo . com
hi Ebrahem
please share chiko.hamu @ yahoo . com
Hello Ebrahem,
plz send the dumb to aknaton8080 at yahoo dot com
Hi Ebrahem
Please share…amyvanniekerk2000 at gmail dot com
Please share ccie lab study material and ios and iosxrv images for gns3/eve fasto123 at yahoo dot com
Hi Ebraheem,
please send me the latest dump on Egyptian_it_man at yahoo dot com
Done my test and get 96X/1000 marks.
D&D are valid no new one in my exam
BGP best path selection criteria
ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP
Without Stars**
Which comqwdmand can dyou enter to configure a built-in policer with minimum guaranteed bandwidth without starving.
“Priority percent” is the correct answers according to internet but in the dump the right answer is “bandwidth”
If someone knows what is the right answer, could yoqwdu help us telling what of them is the right?
4.- On a network using DiffServ, which options refers to the actions that applied to a packet as it moves through the network
“PHB” is the correct answer instead of “DSCP”
Someone in the forum knows which of them correct answer is?
5.- Which three connectivity models for vEdge site architecture are true ?
According to the dump the right answers are:
B) Hybrid with fallback
C) Secure virdqtual connectivity
D) full SD-wan
fasto123 at yahoo dot com please share ccie rs dumps thanks in advance
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share dumps at gosavikunal96 at
Thank u very much
Hi Ebrahem,
Please share dumps at inetrail1 at gmail dot com