Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. Anonymous
    April 11th, 2019

    Which comqwdmand can dyou enter to configure a built-in policer with minimum guaranteed bandwidth without starving.

    “Priority percent” is the correct answers according to internet but in the dump the right answer is “bandwidth”

    If someone knows what is the right answer, could yoqwdu help us telling what of them is the right?

    4.- On a network using DiffServ, which options refers to the actions that applied to a packet as it moves through the network

    “PHB” is the correct answer instead of “DSCP”

    Someone in the forum knows which of them correct answer is?

    5.- Which three connectivity models for vEdge site architecture are true ?

    According to the dump the right answers are:

    B) Hybrid with fallback
    C) Secure virdqtual connectivity
    D) full SD-wan

  2. shinkuykoshin
    April 11th, 2019

    hi all can any one share the dump mkaddour @ live . com

  3. shinkuykoshin
    April 11th, 2019

    dear Ebrahem could u share the dump with me plz
    mkaddour @ live . com
    thax alot

  4. laise
    April 11th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem, can you please send the latest ccie written dumps to me if you have them?

    My email is lasie at mail dot com

  5. Ian
    April 11th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,

    Please send the latest ccie written dumps.

    My email is wannabe dot ccie at yahoo dot co dot uk


  6. Albert
    April 11th, 2019

    Hi All,

    if you need s.p.o.t.o dump 100Q
    please contact me drupal.biru @ gmail. com
    I can provide the dumps for minimal price to you

  7. Albert
    April 11th, 2019

    Hi Guys,

    if you need s.p.o.t.o dump 100Q
    please contact me drupal.biru @ gmail. com
    I can provide the dumps for minimal price to you

  8. CCIE Written
    April 11th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,

    Can you please share the dumps?
    My e-mail address is ccie dot student dot 112 at gmail dot com


  9. Z
    April 12th, 2019


    When you send out the next email please include nezblack @ protonmail dot com
    Thank you.

  10. Written
    April 12th, 2019

    SUccessfully passed the written exam. 40% questions from Ebarhem dumps.

  11. Louda
    April 12th, 2019

    Which dumps did you use for the exam? and which dumps exactly from Ebarhem (105q)?

  12. Samm
    April 13th, 2019

    @Ebrahem. Please answer my question if you are not sharing fake dumps. Why there is no one verifying your dump? You are sharing your dumps for hundreds of candidates but no one is verifying.

  13. Roshi
    April 13th, 2019

    I failed today. Used Ebrahem’s 105q. Nothing from this dump.

  14. Cosito
    April 13th, 2019

    Hi guys,

    I still have a valid dump, passed it last Monday. I am selling them for $25, think on your investment in the exam. Interested?: cosodeandre at gmail dot com

  15. Cosito
    April 13th, 2019

    Ebrahem dumps are ok, but there are new questions, I can sell my pool for $25. I passed it on Monday and can share screenshots. No scam.

    Interested?: cosodeandre at gmail dot com

  16. Anonymous
    April 13th, 2019

    Hi please send latest 400-101 ccnprofessional @ gmail . com thanks.

  17. Ebrahem
    April 14th, 2019

    @ all guys

    i didnt get the latest CCIE R&S dump . i only have the old dumps which are alomst 10% valid.
    when i get the new one i’ll share .

    >>>>>>Note that I DONT POST LINKS HERE<<<<<< there is someone uses my name and posts fake links

    here is my email ebrahemmomen @ gmail com

    good luck

  18. Jolly
    April 14th, 2019


    please share CCIE dumps with me at

    dumpsccnp @ gmail.com

  19. Tahsin
    April 14th, 2019

    @homer Thank for dumps i passed dump still valid.

  20. Anonymous
    April 14th, 2019

    dear @Ebrahem,

    please share CCIE dumps with me at

    mkaddour @live.com

  21. Scoofy80
    April 14th, 2019

    For anyone who has interest in CCIE lab material email me, premium PAID lab material,

    this post is legit in contrast to the countless fake posts that i have seen in the chat section.
    we are talking about the LAB not WRITTEN.

    email can at 8fbxrpx3dhh3 @ beconfidential.com
    note dont mind the weird looking mail address, i am legit and beware of anyone else posting with this account name

  22. CCIEman
    April 14th, 2019

    Hello team,

    any valid dumps? I just saw some folks failed with CCIE 400-101.

  23. Anonymous
    April 14th, 2019

    Hello Ebrahem,

    pLEASE ME ccie DUMPS @

    tettehsamuel1986 @ gmail . com

  24. Z
    April 14th, 2019

    Took the 400-101 written test today and failed it, Ebrahem’s 100+91 was very helpful however there was more on the exam than what was covered in those dumps alone. I didn’t fail it by much, maybe 10-15 questions

    I had 90 questions 120 minutes and all of the evolving technology questions were in the final 10 or so questions.

    I did notice that if I would have studied the 205q set from Ebrahem along with the 100+91 question set I would have passed. I just didn’t give myself enough time to study all the material. There were some new questions, and I found that there were more questions on HSRP, GLBP than I thought there would be. Some BGP, and IS-IS questions I hadn’t come across yet but I think if I studied the vce’s in Ebrahem’s ccei_205q a bit harder I would have squeaked through with enough to pass. I’m planning on retaking it again in two weeks after studying some more.

    Good luck to everyone and don’t worry they questions have been updated but not so much it’s un-passable anyone that has spent a good 3-4 months studying the exam blueprint can pass this exam. I only gave myself around 6 weeks. You should always study to understand the concepts and not just memorize the dumps. Use the dumps to identify the areas you don’t know and spend more time there.

    Thanks rstut and Ebrahem for the time and resources you’ve put into this community.

  25. Anonymous
    April 14th, 2019

    Hello Ebrahem,

    pLEASE ME ccie written DUMPS

    v.f.kayan @ gmail . com

  26. Ebrahem
    April 14th, 2019

    CCIE RS 400-101 Exam Passed 02-Mar-2019

    All the questions on the exam were from this dump


  27. Ebrahem
    April 14th, 2019

    @ v.f.kayan
    @ bvafmi
    @ tettehsamuel1986
    @ mkaddour
    @ dumpsccnp
    check your emails 🙂
    i’ve sent the old dumps i have . i didnt get the new one yet.
    good luck

    @ all guys

    >>>>>>Note that I DONT POST LINKS HERE<<<<<< there is someone uses my name and posts fake links

  28. Anonymous
    April 15th, 2019

    dear @Ebrahem

    please share with me CCIE 400-101 dumps at

    joseaweb @ gmail .com

    Thanks in advance

  29. 15-april-passed
    April 15th, 2019

    HERE YOU GO. Passed examz.

    CCIE R&S 400-101

    teledeal.uk at gmail dot com

  30. Aloha VPN
    April 15th, 2019

    Thanks for sharing the exam experience! Awesome , Keep us posted.

  31. abor
    April 15th, 2019

    Hello everyone
    İ passed 400-101 exam today in my second attempt
    İ want share some question which my exam question

    1. Which PM multicast type operation without using rendezvous point

    2. What is the correct binary equivalent of DSCP value AF41?

    3. Which theree types of Layer 2 isolation do Private vlans provide?

    4. which technology must be enabled on an interface before L2TPv3 can operate correctly

    6. Which type of packet is sent by an HSRP router to advertise the virtual ip address
    Gratuitous ARP
    ARP Request
    HSRP hello
    HSRP coup

    7. Which value does IS-IS use for Partial Route computation?
    changed routes

    8. Which configuration command identifies a dynamic IPsec VTI
    interface virtual-template number

  32. truongduc
    April 15th, 2019

    Hi @Ebraham,

    Plz share the dump to me as below
    truongducvu2019 @ gm.ail

    Thanks for your sharing.

  33. CCNP
    April 15th, 2019


    Could you give me the CCIE R & S 400-101 dump please?

    My email is {email not allowed}


  34. CCNP
    April 15th, 2019


    Could you give me the CCIE R & S 400-101 dump please?

    My email is jose9905@g*m*ai*l.com


  35. Ali
    April 15th, 2019

    #1 should be SSM

  36. Ebrahem
    April 15th, 2019

    @ All guys

    i didnt get the latest CCIE R&S dump .
    when i get the new one i’ll share .

    >>>>>>Note that I DONT POST LINKS HERE<<<<<<

    good luck

  37. Miro_Man
    April 16th, 2019

    thank you Ebrahem,
    waiting your valuable support

  38. Albert
    April 16th, 2019

    Hi Guys,

    if you need s.p.o.t.o dump 100Q
    contact me drupal.biru @ gmail. com
    I can provide the dumps for minimal price to you
    Please let me know

  39. endstep
    April 16th, 2019

    hello all l need ccie guide pls share with me ( endstep1 @ gmail com )

  40. Gary
    April 16th, 2019

    Hello Ebrahem. Please share dumb even old one. Need to practise.
    swaneth.gareth @ yandex . com

  41. Ali
    April 16th, 2019

    Passed today.
    I just want to let everyone know that Albert has a vailid and stable dump.
    I was hesitant at first but he is not scam.

  42. CCIE SP-400-201
    April 16th, 2019

    Hi, Can anyone please provide me dumps for CCIE-SP-400-201 written dumps

  43. Sahnir
    April 16th, 2019

    @CCIE SP-400-201

    here you are my friend. These are the latest dumps. I wish you all the best!

  44. Z
    April 16th, 2019

    @Aloha VPN

    Thanks, this forum has gone to crap with the bots and tolls. I found the CCNA/CCNP sites to be a huge help along my journey. I got every question that @arbor mentioned on my exam and probably got all of them wrong.


    I really appreciate you sharing those question with everyone. I wasn’t able to recall any after I got out of the exam my head with in all different directions. So thanks for supporting the community.

  45. Aloha VPN
    April 17th, 2019

    @Z Totally agree with your comments. I was following this community for the last 5 years, but in recent years Bots and Scammers got increased and spoiling this forum.

  46. Krugger
    April 17th, 2019

    Which dump have you used? Is it valid?

    If it is valid why no one else is taking it?


  47. Vampire
    April 17th, 2019

    Hi @Erabhem and @Kelly,

    Would you please share latest written R&S dumps with me as well?

    vampire.dark at outlook dot com

    Thanks so much.

  48. javi
    April 17th, 2019

    @Aloha @z

    I share your opinion, a lot of false information. Acquired one of those dump q offered here and take the test today and fail. @abort supply real questions thank you for sharing them and I certify that they are true. If there is someone serious who wants to share the dump and that this being paid is paid but that is real not something recycled and false. Thank you

  49. javi
    April 17th, 2019

    Hi @albert,

    I already wrote to the email. I hope you answer me. Or another person who is serious and has a reliable valid dump and not a scammer. This forum was serious with the information now there are many frauds. regards

  50. Albert
    April 17th, 2019

    @Hi Javi,
    Please check my email

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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