Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

Comments (50) Comments
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  1. hrit94
    April 2nd, 2019

    Hi ebrahem,
    Kindly send me the latest dumps for 400-101.
    hrith94 @ rediffmail dot com

  2. arora
    April 2nd, 2019

    hai ebrahim please send me the dump for 400-101
    {email not allowed}

  3. arora
    April 2nd, 2019

    ebrahim please send me the dump
    {email not allowed}

  4. arora
    April 2nd, 2019

    ebrahim please send me the dump
    anoopsaseendran @ gmail dot com

  5. camsen
    April 2nd, 2019

    Hi ebrahim please send me the dump for 400-101

    camsen64 at gmail dotcom

    Thank you

  6. Anonymous
    April 2nd, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem, Please send me the latest dump 400-101 thanks in advance
    kumarchampp at gmail dot com

  7. Jason
    April 2nd, 2019

    If anyone like to share the cost of the dump with me, please drop me a mail.
    jasonkureira @ gmail . com

  8. Ebrahem
    April 3rd, 2019

    @ kumarchampp
    @ camsen64
    @ anoopsaseendran
    @ hrith94
    @ fisayoogundiran
    @ urforu
    @ blezzzo
    @ argertito
    @ tariqemad
    @ Jafehiss
    @ alena
    @ jafehiss

    check your email 🙂
    good luck

  9. Liloot125
    April 3rd, 2019


    please send me latest dump; thanks.

    liloot125 at gmail.com

  10. Allen
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,

    Please send the latest dump, thank you in advance

    asuan At live.ca

  11. Alex
    April 3rd, 2019

    have a nice day

  12. marco
    April 3rd, 2019

    hi Ebrahem,

    Please send latest dump to {email not allowed}

    Thank you

  13. marco
    April 3rd, 2019

    hi Ebrahem,

    Please send latest dump to mlalday21 @ gmail dot com

    Thank you

  14. Leophar
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,

    Please, send me the latest dump for ccie written.
    balbyinfor03 at gmail dot com


  15. aknaton8080
    April 3rd, 2019

    Ebrahim plz send the latest dump

  16. Nena
    April 3rd, 2019

    I am very happy to pass the CCIE 400-101 exam today. The CCIE written exam materials I purchased this time are as stable and effective as the CCNA exam materials I bought before. Helped me pass the exam smoothly. I am very grateful to them for providing almost and real exam material. With the same test materials, I will continue to purchase CCIE laboratory materials. I will share this authentic and reliable test materials website with you. My real experience tells me that this is a test material website worthy of trust.

  17. Anonymous
    April 3rd, 2019

    @Ebrahem great job, please send to me ,the ccie lab dumps as well , i will greatly appreciate it eddyventure2 @ gmail . com

  18. edd
    April 3rd, 2019

    Please anyone with the latest ccie dumps please send to me , i will be writting soon eddyventure2 @ gmail .com

  19. Sohale
    April 3rd, 2019

    Please send the latest dumps on

    yassirsohail2 @ Gmail . Com

    Thanks in advance

  20. Miro_Man
    April 3rd, 2019

    dear Ebraheem,
    did you get the new dump for April ?

  21. milenial
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, thanks for all yur hard work, plz cud you email to

    pafc2002 at gmail dot com

    thank you thank you

  22. Davy
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, thanks for all , plz send me on

    david.dream1988 @ gmail . com

    thank you

  23. Jerry
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, thanks for all , plz send me on
    gestradag @ gmail . com
    thank you

  24. Chenne
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, thanks for all you do! Could you please send latest to Chenne919 @ gmail . com Thank you!

  25. Anonymous
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, thanks for all you are doing, can you please send latest to {email not allowed} Thanks

  26. krytek
    April 3rd, 2019

    hi Ebrahem Ur a Star – plz send me

    krytek at protonmail dot com

    thanks you.

  27. Hamid
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, can you please send that latest to hamidur99 @ gmail . com
    Thank you!

  28. Zilamas
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem, may you also send me the latest to zilamans @ gmail dot com.


  29. lookupshootcloud
    April 3rd, 2019

    @Ebrahem, can you please send me the latest dump to:
    lookupshootcloud at gmail dot com

  30. Ali
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem,

    Could you please send me the latest dump to:

    alexsmith_7 at yahoo dot com

  31. Bulldozer
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem,

    Could you please send me the latest dump to:

    gladsdube at yahoo dot com

  32. Sohale
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi @Ebrahem

    Could you please send me the latest dump on my emails address
    yassirsohail2 @ gmail. com

    Thanks in advance

  33. Anonymous
    April 3rd, 2019

    why guys you’re keep asking Ebrahem for that dump while it is not valid any more since 3 weeks ago .. sooo weird !!!!!!!!!!

  34. @Anonymous
    April 3rd, 2019

    balanced mode are true?

    B) Either device can send frames at anytime
    D) Either device can initiate trasqsmisqwfasion of frames

    This question is no more in exam.
    Exam is changed.

  35. Cosito
    April 3rd, 2019

    Hi guys,

    Have someone tried to do the exam recently? I just studied the dumps and I am ready for the exam, but I would like to confirm if after changing month the exam will be very different from the dumps…

  36. Dbl_A
    April 3rd, 2019

    Ebrahem could you plz share latest dump?

    aaronanderson569 at gmail dot com

  37. Rom
    April 4th, 2019

    @Ebrahem, Thanks for your help in advance. Can you also send me the latest dump.
    romseet @ gmail . com

  38. Ebrahem
    April 4th, 2019

    @ romseet
    @ aaronanderson569
    @ yassirsohail2
    @ gladsdube
    @ alexsmith_7
    @ lookupshootcloud
    @ zilamans
    @ hamidur99
    @ krytek
    @ Chenne919
    @ gestradag
    @ david dream1988
    @ pafc2002
    @ yassirsohail2
    @ eddyventure2
    @ balbyinfor03
    @ mlalday21
    @ asuan@live ca
    @ liloot125
    @ jasonkureira

    check your emails 🙂
    good luck

    that is the last PL CCIE R&S dump 1-Apr-2019 105Q same as the old 105q one
    but please note that many reports say that the dumps is cnaged (I’m not sure about that ) and there is a new one but its not published in PL so far. as soon as i get it will send it to you, just keep ckeching here to know the news.
    good luck

  39. Anonymous
    April 4th, 2019

    Ebrahim, asherbmabs at gmail dot com still waiting Please send

  40. Anonymous
    April 4th, 2019

    whoever has received the dump please help others pass. asherbmabs at gmail dot com

  41. kurt
    April 4th, 2019

    @Ebrahem – thank you for helping us all. Could you please send the latest dump to me?

    lansingkurt at gmail dot com

    Thank you!

  42. Miro_Man
    April 4th, 2019

    could you please send me too the one you have
    eng_miro at live dot com

  43. Ataulmohsin
    April 4th, 2019

    Could you please send the latest dump to me
    ataul.mohsin at yahoo.com


  44. Alex
    April 4th, 2019


  45. Jim Zib
    April 4th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,

    Could you send me the latest CCIE RS Written dump, please?

    JFZIB at outlook dot com

    Many thanks.

  46. CCIE
    April 4th, 2019

    Guys could you please share those dump to some 4share or megaupload ? Is there any sense to put all that email address here ? If you have it be so kind and upload to some server and share the link.

  47. williams
    April 4th, 2019

    I shared the CCIE exam materials website. I passed the 400-101 written test. Next I will prepare for the lab exam. The CCIE exam materials I purchased are very stable and effective. I passed the exam smoothly. The customer service of the material website is very professional. Help me solve my doubts, thank them, all my exam materials have been purchased from them, my test scores prove my trust

  48. Albert
    April 4th, 2019

    Hello, Passed 400-101 written exam today.
    score 9XX/1000

  49. CCNP
    April 4th, 2019

    Please, can you forward me the DUMPs rochellemari @gmail .com

  50. Louda
    April 4th, 2019

    @Albert: Congrats!!!
    Is PL CCIE R&S dump 1-Apr-2019 105Q still valid?
    Thanks in Advance.

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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