Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
I have been looking to this forum since last week so that i can get some tips or some dumps As i have failed a week ago.
The Demo @GMF, I have seen 4 questions of them in my exam. I think i will have to go to this guy called premdev, bad thing is its expensive.
I have never seen this premdev guy to advertise anywhere, people keeps talking thus i have now some faith. lets see what lies ahead.
@ CCIE CHOSEN: Is the shared dump is valid and secondly what about CCIE R&S Labs?.
From where we can get the actual labs to pass CCIE R & S chapter ?.
Guys, someone said they had 50% Q in the exam from 839 dump
@Anonymous: I guess he doesn’t advertise. He is just a single guy and doesn’t have a website or whatever like the others, not doing big business.
FYI he has a website, just a bogus one
No he doesn’t, he is just on FaceBook.
what you think about the payed dump version from passguide 839q v21. ??
Does anyone used this one for preparation ??
@ aleks
Payed 839q ? Payed ??
Post your email
@ aleks
Aleks bro i can send it to you, that’s why i asked you email. No need to pay for 839q
am wondering what CISCO wants from this complicity in written ccie ?!
the issue turned to something very far from studying/experience/knowledge ….
Cisco is going to change something (Add new topic) on July 25.
Written Exam Topics v5.0 (Recommended for candidates scheduled to take the test BEFORE July 25, 2016) List of topics:
1.0 Network Principles – 10%
2.0 Layer 2 Technologies- – 15%
3.0 Layer 3 Technologies – 40%
4.0 VPN Technologies – 15%
5.0 Infrastructure Security – 5%
6.0 Infrastructure Services – 15%
Written Exam Topics v5.1 (Recommended for candidates scheduled to take the test ON July 25, 2016 and beyond) List of topics:
1.0 Network Principles – 10%
2.0 Layer 2 Technologies – 13%
3.0 Layer 3 Technologies – 37%
4.0 VPN Technologies – 13%
5.0 Infrastructure Security – 5%
6.0 Infrastructure Services – 12%
7.0 Evolving Technologies – 10%
{email not allowed}
thanks mate.
@ aleks.
Mail is invalid.
please give me Dumps for CCIE RS at fudongbin AT
Thanks in Advance
Please help to send to me, to rscci[at]gmx[dot]net
Thanks Bro..
Sorry typo,
Please help to send to me, to rscci[at]gmx[dot]com
Thanks Bro..
Hi does anyone have 839q for vce?
ok… so I decided to take CCIE written exam… but also thinking about taking CCDA then ARCH to get CCDP… anyone knows if if I need to take CCDA or just the ARCH to get CCDP? thanks btw, I have CCNP R&S
appreciate the input guys…
CCDA is required for CCDP.
I am taking it Wednesday. My resources 2 CCIE books and 839 dump.
Good luck @ CCIEwire
We are waiting for your feedback.
al3ksf [dot] gmail [dot]com
thanks mate
Could you remember as much questions as you can? 🙂
go throgh the demo which is shared by @gmf because i failed today and had 5 of it
@ccie failed today
Sorry Bro! Did you use 839 dump?
who produced 889? is it braindumps? and anyone who prepared from 889 and sat for exam, can you please give your feedback?
Those who are asking about pass4sure, passit4sure, my advice would be to stay away from it (its a same company).
1- I had first purchased their ccie dumps in October 15. Questions were around 770 and were updated in January to 839 and there wasn’t much difference at all because I was marking questions to review later and after updating material, even the questions location was same in old and new software with addition of few repetitive questions.
2- poor support. They don’t come back to your query and even when they do, its like they have completely miss understood you.
3- Lie a lot on their website that material has been updated and in reality it’s not. Even now their website says 650 questions and in reality its 839.
I went through 839 questions like 7 times and exam was around 40-50% from their question pool. Please don’t start asking what was in exam as I have posted comments in past about my exam experience.
@CCIE Soon yes i have done 839 105 and 125
but i got 20 to 30 question from that and from @GMF demo i got 5 question.
got 624
HI jackpacket
With a valid CCNP R&S Certification (regardless of exam versions passed to achieve it), you will only need to fulfill two requirements to become certified in CCDP: Pass the DESGN exam (or hold a valid CCDA Certificatin) and you will also need to pass the ARCH exam.
Yes, you can take the 300-320 ARCH exam without a valid CCDP pre-requisite, since the Associate and Professional level exams do not have to be taken in any order. If you pass the ARCH exam on or before your CCNP R&S Certification expiration date, you will be recertified.
I hope this helps and good luck!
hi jack packet
i also have VALID CCNP 642 exam, so planning to take CCDP first… later after a Year may be CCDA to earn CCDP certification
CCNP RS and TSHOOT will be expired this April 2016,,
Need to finish this march 2016
1. Is there any website like this to check the user experience ?
2. Any idea where i can download latest dumps
zippy, not relevant to this forum! this is CCIE! bug off
Hello All,
I am getting ready to take the CCIE Written exam v5.
I have some material to study, I would like to ask you if you can give me any recomendations of what to use what not to use what to look what not to look.
I currently have some dumps and stuff from different sites but I dont know if it is worth it to study them if none of the questions would come on the actual exam.
Could you please share your comments in that way we all can take advantage of them!
hi guys. i am in desperate need of this dump. and anyone assit ? how do i get the premdev dump ? time is running away from me
@ CCIE_2016
Best we have for now is 839q, ppl say that on exam, 40-50% questions are from 839q.
There are also rumors that premdev (dont know what or who he/she/it is) have the most valid dumps but its expensive. Lots of ppl are failing because there is not 100% valid dump. Recommendation is to read books and run through as much dumps as you can get.
Share your stuff.
@ user
I’ve never seen someone sharing premdev dumps for free.
Good luck.
@ DeadPool,
I am gonna hit hard my material and take my exam in a month. I will definitely share my results and stuff once I find it it is accurate. There is no need to inject insanity of we dont know if the stuff would help.
How about for the CCIE_Lab do we have some solid stuff to follow?
@ CCIE_2016
If you’ll share your stuff, then others, who will take their exams before you, they may confirm if your stuff is valid or not. Anyways, you decide (:
Don’t know anything about ccie lab…
Anyone if have latest CCIE written dumps , I greatly appreciate if you share
It with me through my email
Can anyone share the latest valid dumps please. I really appreciate.
Please share with me @{email not allowed}
dalsbehgal at gmail dot com
about 50% of the questions are in that dump so i heard
i am on re-certification phase so any relevant dumps please
can any one tell me which dumps i have to buy
Thank’s user for sharing…
I’ve seen this dump on router-ie dot com and it is updated last Jan 3, 2016.
Can anyone validate this dump base on your past experience?
Thanks a lot!
@UnliPops. This dump is not valid. I took the exam last friday and only a few questions came from this dump. None of the d&d also.
@ All,
Here is the stuf I am using to study, please validate it and share your results, the second link is the 839 with new questions.
@ CCIE_2016
Thank you for your efforts. good materials
waiting for candidates validations
Good stuff. Around 35% of questions.
Thanks for the info