Home > Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience

June 1st, 2015 in CCIE v5 Written Go to comments

Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…

Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.

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  1. ed
    March 6th, 2019

    anyone can email at 2010017824@*ust-ics.*mygbiz.*com

    remove star

  2. 111_ooo_HH_aa
    March 6th, 2019

    Hi Stv. congrats. can you share links for 94x, 91q ?

  3. Anonymous
    March 6th, 2019

    Grateful ! :),

    Did you use the 100q and 91q or just one?


  4. Grateful ! :)
    March 6th, 2019


    Just 91Q.

  5. Ebrahem
    March 7th, 2019

    @ hiracelmoneto89
    @ milliniume
    @ mabalfakih
    @ elsh27gb
    @ 2010017824
    @ elsh27gb
    @ zorrokarnain
    @ bongkot_te
    @ faizannaim
    @ pavanchaudhari1978
    @ pavanchaudhari
    @ ccieguy450
    @ makomako9850

    check your emails 🙂
    good luck

  6. Jack Katera
    March 7th, 2019

    Passed 400-101 yesterday!

    The PassLeader 91Q dumps still valid.

    Taking the 400-101 test ASAP.

    Good luck!

  7. ciscocrazier
    March 7th, 2019

    Ebrahem! Can you send me the ccie R&S written exam on my email id: {email not allowed}. As I have plan on saturday.

  8. Anonymous
    March 7th, 2019

    Ebrahem! Can you send me the ccie R&S written exam on my email id: ciscocrazier @ gmail .com As I have plan on saturday.

  9. Otto SR
    March 7th, 2019

    @Jack Katera


    Please kindly share the new PassLeader 400-101 dumps with me.

    {Otto Sverrirsson at gmail dot com}

    New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!

    New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!

    New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!

  10. Jadi
    March 7th, 2019


    Please share the CCIE 91q

    jamshoney00 @gmail dot com


  11. CCIE 400-101
    March 7th, 2019

    Very happy get Excellent marks

    BGP best path selection criteria
    ipv6 to Ipv4 , MPLS PHP
    Good luck to al

    Without Stars**

  12. just pass
    March 7th, 2019

    91q is still valid thanks for Ebrahim support

  13. Indian arm forces
    March 7th, 2019

    Please support India by joining our army. Get free dumos.

  14. Indian arm forces
    March 7th, 2019

    Jana-Gana-Mana-Adhinayaka, Jaya He
    Punjab-Sindhu-Gujarata-Maratha Dravida-Utkala-Banga
    Uchchhala-Jaladhi Taranga

    Tava Shubha Name Jage
    Tava Shubha Ashisa Mage
    Gahe Tava Jaya Gatha.
    Jana-Gana-Mangala Dayaka, Jaya He
    Jaya He, Jaya He, Jaya He,
    Jaya Jaya Jaya, Jaya He

  15. Anchoaman
    March 7th, 2019

    From the OSPFv2 RFC 2328

    3,4 Summary-LSAs Originated by area border
    routers, and flooded through-
    out the LSA’s associated
    area. Each summary-LSA
    describes a route to a
    destination outside the area,
    yet still inside the AS
    (i.e., an inter-area route).
    Type 3 summary-LSAs describe
    routes to networks. Type 4
    summary-LSAs describe
    routes to AS boundary routers.

  16. Anonymous
    March 7th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem

    please send to werner @ ieng . co .za


  17. Anonymous
    March 7th, 2019

    Hi, Ibrahem
    please send me 91q questions.
    ezwon7 at g mail. com
    at = @
    no space

  18. Anonymous
    March 7th, 2019

    Hi, Ibrahem
    please send me 91q questions. ezwon7 at g mail. com
    at = @
    no space

  19. Anonymous
    March 7th, 2019

    Please share the dumps with me plcgame @ yahoo . com .hk

  20. Bravo
    March 7th, 2019

    Got 9xx. 91Q still valid, I can confirm that 100% huge thanks to @ebrahem

  21. Elios
    March 7th, 2019


    @Ebrahem can you plz share your dump with me at elios . elios 78 at g mail . c o m

    Thank you in advance,


  22. Car0nt3
    March 7th, 2019

    @Bravo, can you confirn if the exam is base only in the 91Q or do we need to study both 100Q+91Q.

    Thanks in advance.

  23. Patrick
    March 7th, 2019

    @Ebrahem: can you please share the 91q dump? globalstar.vietnam (at) g mail dot com


  24. pb
    March 8th, 2019

    I Pass today with score 912. 91Q dump still valid

    78 Choice and 13 Drag & Drop

    Thank you so much Ebrahem

  25. JACK_9lit
    March 8th, 2019

    pls send me all question to hungvv10 @ gmail.com

  26. Michael Tubbs
    March 8th, 2019

    Passed 400-101 TODAY!

    The PassLeader 91Q dumps still valid.

    Taking the 400-101 test ASAP.

    Good luck!

  27. Sathit
    March 8th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,
    Could you help to share 400-101 dumb for me? I’m preparing to take it next Apr.
    Pls send to sathit dot compow @ gmail dot com

    Thank you very much in advance.

  28. Ebrahem
    March 8th, 2019

    @ sathitcompow
    @ hungvv10
    @ globalstarvietnam
    @ elioselios78
    @ plcgame
    @ ezwon7
    @ werner
    @ jamshoney00
    @ ciscocrazier

    check your emails 🙂
    good luck

    @ all guys

    Anyone can share and re-send the dumps and links for everybody using and dumps and links i send, those dumps are not mine , i didnt create them my self, so anyone can use them and re send them to all others , my only goal is to help who want to pass the exam
    but i dont post links here by myself to dont allow the other who try to cheat ppl to use my name (as they alrady did before) to share fake links or sell dumps or ask for money
    so by this way (that i dont post links here) we can make a trust point here , if you want anything i’ll send via email , and if you see my name posting links here , then its not me , its someone else useingn my name

    good luck for all 🙂

  29. Sathit
    March 8th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,
    Thank you very much for your kindly, already got them via email.

  30. Eric
    March 8th, 2019

    @Ebrahem: can you please share the 91q dump?
    etieneric @ gmail com


  31. TONY
    March 8th, 2019

    @Ebrahem: Would you please share the dumps?

    antonio22ccrs at yahoo dot com

    Thank you.

  32. TONY
    March 8th, 2019

    Thank you Joman awesome dumps

  33. Nez
    March 9th, 2019

    @Ebrahem or Anyone with the latest dumps 91Q or others please share. I’m looking to sit soon.
    nezblack @ protonmail dot com

    Thank you and good luck to all

  34. Starlord80
    March 9th, 2019

    @Ebrahem: Would you please share the dumps?
    Starlord80 at protonmail dot com
    Thank you.

  35. Bassem Kattan
    March 9th, 2019

    Passed 400-101 on 7/Mar/2019!

    The PassLeader 91Q dumps are still valid, all questions were from PL.

    Taking the 400-101 test ASAP.

    Good luck!

  36. Pinky
    March 9th, 2019

    EIGRP-IPv4 neighbors for process 99
    H Address Interface Hold Uptime SRTT RTO Q Seq
    (sec) (ms) Cnt Num
    0 Gi1/13 14 00:00:39 1 200 0 5
    Restart time 00:00:24
    Version 12.2/3.0, Retrans: 1, Retries: 0
    Topology-ids from peer – 0

    Which two statements can this output verify? (Choose two)
    A. The device will wait 200 ms before retransmitting an EIGRP packet.
    B. The device must receive an EIGRP packet within 24 seconds to maintain a neighbor relationship.
    C. The EIGRP neighbor has been up for 28 seconds.
    D. The device must receive an EIGRP packet within 28 seconds to maintain a neighbor relationship.
    E. The device will tear down and restart its EIGRP process in 24 seconds.
    F. The EIGRP neighbor has been up for 28 ms.

    Answer is actually A and C even though you will see [00:00:39] if you see 39 secs uptime it is a typo the question should show 28 seconds.



  37. Gg
    March 9th, 2019

    Pinky.. This is new question?? Or not

  38. Cc
    March 9th, 2019

    Dump 91Q. Still valid..

  39. Rhs
    March 9th, 2019

    Can you please share the link of 91q dump

  40. Ebrahem
    March 9th, 2019

    @ Starlord80
    @ nezblack
    @ antonio22ccrs
    @ etieneric

    check your emails 🙂
    good luck

  41. Ayla
    March 9th, 2019

    Yup, did that yesterday. 2,000 hours labbing and almost 3 years.

    Im gonna go get drunk and smoke a few cigars now.

    Carry on!
    Materials used:


  42. Ayla is fake
    March 9th, 2019

    Ayla is fake

  43. Cisco guy
    March 9th, 2019

    Dear All
    My friend passed today with 91Q with 9xx Score
    It is valid
    If you plan to enter the exam.. Go ahead ASAP

    78 MQ
    13 Drag and Drop

  44. Mohamed Bey
    March 9th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahim.

    Please share the dump. Much appreciated

    beyelhadj at gmail dot com

  45. Pizzaday
    March 9th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahim.

    Could you please share the dump.

    pizzasnow731 at gmail dot com

  46. wumpi
    March 9th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem, could you please share the dump. Thank you very much!

    wumpi at freeline dot ch

  47. Leophar
    March 9th, 2019

    Hi Ebrahem,

    pls, could you share me the dump? Thanks in advance

    balbyinfor03 at gmail dot com


  48. Pinky
    March 10th, 2019


    Yes this is in the test question bank, and in most of the dumps I’ve seen provide by @Ebrahem. It’s not a glaring error the answers are correct but when you look at the question it’s hard to determine how they got that answer because of the typo. I honestly thing ppl edit these dumps to provide false answers and catch ppl up that don’t do their homework. If I find more I will share.


  49. Nez
    March 10th, 2019


    Got it! Thanks!

  50. Anonymous
    March 10th, 2019

    please inbox 91 q at {email not allowed}

  51. Note: Please do not open any suspicious links (especially short links and links that need to remove some words to open) in the comment section above as they are usually spams and may harm your computer.
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