Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
I just passed written.
91q still valid as of today
Please share the 91 dump to
dantegalicia1974 at gmail dot com
I just pssed the exam 933 marks
91 questions still valid all questions same as dumps just 1 question having different answers options.
and some mistakes are in answers because i did 100% correct but they deduct my 67 marks.
Thanks again to Ebrahem and Mahreen
@Ebrahem our leader, pls send to jafehiss @ gmail .com as i will like to write this weekend if the 91Q is still valid
Please share the 91 dump to
mario.chronome at gmail dot com
Congratulation for all passed exam so far.Please share 91Q dump to yaivo at yahoo com.Thank you in advance!
@Maria Clementina
Please kindly share the new PassLeader 400-101 dumps with me.
{David Edwards 1982 at outlook dot com}
New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!
New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!
New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!
Ebraham pls send asap
download the dumps from there
91q is the 78Q + Drag & Drop 13Q Right ?
Pls. let me know.
Thank you so much
God bless Ebrahem, its people like him needs to be appreciated, if not for your likes this forum would have gone under.
Hi @Ebrahem
Please share the 91 dump to
10subject10 at gmail dot com
Please share werner @ ieng dot co dot za
91Q still valid i just passed
Please share the CCIE 91q abdullahsalem45 hotmail dot com
Thank you
Please share the CCIE 91q pjpkaj @ hotmail dot com
Thank you
Does anyone have VCE for D&D of 91?
Hi guys,
What is the cheapest option to open vce files?
Are there any other providers except avanset?
Bluestacks (android emulator) and download A+ AVE from the play store. Just purchase it once off. Usefull if you keep using VCE files in the future.
Hi Ebrahem,
Pls could you please email the latest 91q dump to: {email not allowed}
Thanks in advanced
Hi Ebrahem,
Could you please email the latest 91q dump to: bsam.albassrawy @
Thanks in advanced
Please, Would it be possible to the CCIE RS written file 91q to: kaoru3000 @ ?
Thank you
@Maria Clementina
Please kindly share the new PassLeader 400-101 dumps with me.
{Paul Gordon at outlook dot com}
New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!
New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!
New PassLeader 400-101 dumps (100q+91q), thanks!
Please share the dumps with me anishtholath @ gmail . com
Hi Ebrahim please 91 Q dumps to
Please share the CCIE 91q {email not allowed}
i appreciate your help
Thank you
Please share the CCIE 91q gholizadeh dot mohamad @ yahoo dot com
Thank you
Please share the 91 dump to
gholizadeh.mohamad at gmail dot com
@ gholizadehmohamad
@ mohamad
@ redwanomer92
@ anishtholath
@ kaoru3000
@ bsamalbassrawy
@ pjpkaj@hotmailcom
@ abdullahsalem45
@ Pleasesharewerner
@ 10subject10
@ yaivo
@ mariochronome
@ jafehiss
@ dantegalicia1974
@ maakiecc
@ puresun24
@ nag070181
@ guyorange
check your emails 🙂
good luck
by the way ,I find this group in FB posting dumps, it could be helpful
fb com / groups / 235493457123915
Very happy get Excellent marks
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hi ebrahem,
could you please share the CCIE 91 dump?
ccieguy450 at gmail dot com
91Q still valid got 9xx today thx for sharing the material and to ebrahem too
@ebrahem , could you please share the dumps , {email not allowed}
@ebrahem , could you please share the dumps , pavanchaudhari at gmail
@ebrahem , could you please share the dumps , pavanchaudhari1978 at gmail
I failed yesterday using latest 91q.
Dear Ebrahem,
can you please share 91q dumps on
faizan dot naim at gmail … no spaces..
much appreciated…
Please share the 91 dump to
bongkot_te at yahoo dot com
Thank you in advance.
Hi Ebrahem.
Please share the 91q at zorrokarnain at gmail dot com.
Thanks in advance
Please your comments 91q still valid?
Please send the latest CCIE dump to elsh27gb @ gmail dot com, thank you.
Update dump ccie rs 105q+ passleader, please carefull
91q is still valid?
Somebody take the exam today?
@J, take it easy.
Hell Ebrahem
Please share latest R&S written dumps.
makomako9850 dot gmail dot com
Hey guys,
I just passed today. 91Q is completely valid.
Thanks, Ebrahem for your great help
Appreciate it so much and very grateful
If you guys have any questions, shoot and I will be happy to answer as I will be available for a couple of hours on this side.
Passleader update to 105 im scared :(. I need pass the exam. Please your comment
passed today evening 94x, 91q still valid.