Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
I am trying to pass the written exam but i need the last dump + how to start ready ? I have no idea how to start . any help ? any advice please. Thank you
@zk, what you are doing and thinking are exactly same as I do. I also used CBT nuggets up to CCNP, and after some experience heading to CCIE with INE, watching videos and taking notes. Afterwards, planning to read official cert guide. As for the lab, I personally use iou-web, you can find it in share section of certcollection website
In CCIE LAB, do you know what Tokens means ?
For intense INE have 5 tokens and 8 tokens for their R&S
thanks in advance
thank you @newpremdev for your crap…..hehe
@trying my luck today what was your prep source?
Thank you ZK for all the details, i will follow your steps. For my CCNP ,i was using CBT nuggets. did you get any Dump questions for review them as well. can you share some of your reference please as well. Thanks again
Hai Guys, I need Lab Partner..
Please Help . . .
my mail Id
manu2008logic @ gmail . com
Guys , why we are not making GB to buy PermDev dump ??
PremDev is a Scam
doesn’t look legit. Anyone came across it?
@Emile I am using p4s 839 which haven’t been updated in past 3-4 months. Guys I will be taking exam in 2-3 days, has anyone got updated material?
@zk… Been also waiting for ages. I missed the 105Q train. The next one is probably taking the scenic route. :/ If you get wind of it, do please share.
@zk that is 105q which is no longer valid
does 105q & 125q is valid till now????pls reply i’ve my exams 2morow…!!!
Have any body given exam recently?
@MP. Those dumps have become invalid since about the start of Feb.
@MP all the best mate, let us know the outcome and share your post exam experience.
somebody know about dumps 105Q, they are saying its valid and pass Guarantee ?
hi guys can you tell us as adeel said examgood dumps 105Q valid or not ?
hi guys , anyone passed R&S written recently ? ? can someone pls confirm 105 or 125 is still valid ? ?
Please answer me!
In CCIE Written 400-101, do it have LAB questions same LABs Sim in CCNA?
or Do it have only questions (answer A, B, C, D) and drap & drop?
In the written exam, you only have:
1. Multiple choice, (ex: choose 1, choose 2, choose 3 type)
2. True or false
3. Drag and drop
… nothing else
anyone took the Exam recently ?
had exam today & failes…….105q & 125q are not valid now & new questions appear , abt 70% of the ques are changed….. 40 % was abt vpn, rest of them was BGP, EIGRP, OSPF, MPLS,etc…
Did you only prepare the 105q and 125q or more questions as well ?
@Cuking .. No Labs in CCIE written 400-101
only have Drag and Drop , MCQ
Failed today 776/1000
Questions are really hard.
I used 709q, official cert books (Part I and Part II) and a lot of additional materials.
Actually I relied on my knowledge to take the exam, but it is almost impossible to accumulate so much information.
There were 100 questions. Passing score was 804.
5-6 drag and drop
a lot of IPv6
Do you remember any single Drag n Drop for any specific technology ?
nhrp, traceroute, netflow, snmp
HI Boro
Thank you for sharing your experience.
@Boro, thank you for sharing! Hopefully, you pass next time, don’t give up!
Thanks guys 🙂
It’s aways nice to receive moral support.
In 400-101, it have True or False Questions. Do you give me a example?
Because in my dumps and PDF, it don’t have True or False Questions
@Cuking, care to share your materials? olliejjimenez at hotmail dot com
@ Cuking
Sorry man! I passed the written exam a year ago and all I remember is that TRUE and FALSE are written exam type of questions. It doesn’t mean this type of questions are on the current exam version, but you can expect them to appear. All in all, I meant you get questions only and no configurations at all.
Peace, G
@nail, can you share?
Hi everyone,
How long CCIE Written expert?
@nail can you share at…com
@ Nail
share the dump.
this forum is about share/support not advertisement.
please remove my comment @admin
@nail don’t be afraid of comments by CCIE Max.
Please share the file of dumps on google drive or 4shared. No one can harm you for any comments you leave here.
Please share the latest damp here. booked my exam for next week. Any clue which dump is the most up to date? even from pay to ones?
I would re-schedule that exam until valid dumps have circulated a bit. Right now there does not appear to be any valid dumps.
what is prem dev please?
Prem dev is a scammer
can you please share to capelo9797 at gmail dot com?
thanks in advance
@nail please share at 2021 at