Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
less ccie mean less business for cisco as simple as that. anyhow cisco is loosing the market share to other vendors.
less certified people means less business for cisco. bye bye cisco products.
if you guys need the latest PL Dumps
If you aren’t a troll, it would be very helpful to provide more detail such as:
1. what dumps you used to study
2. any new q’s you can remember or the topic
Isn’t certification fun? 🙂
Most definitely ;-P
Today I went for the exam and failed with 7xx. All the recently posted dumps here and at CC (before it was closed) are not enough.
For all the people slamming cisco, the weather, the wind, the sports channel I would like to say – you have to study! This is the highest ranking certificate, from the biggest ever networking company, giving their Expert stamp to the people passing it. It is not expected monkey with good memory to praise him self Expert. It is disrespectful and offensive to the people sacrificed. Nothing good is coming as a given or the easy way. If you want to be expert, study as an expert. The key is hard work and more hard work! The exam is doable. See your weaknesses and work them through, and never give up!
I agree with everything you said 100% Sorry to hear you didn’t pass but it sounds like you have a good attitude and hopefully you’ll pass on the next try.
@ccie ditto, here. Sorry about your outcome. Go lick your wounds and next time hit it out of the ballpark!
A game of cat and Mouse, indeed.
CC just got busted, so of course cisco made big changes to the exam.
In the end, the game of cat and Mouse will continue…
All I can say is: Meooowwww!! 🙂
All the recently posted dumps here are not sufficient. Some drag & drops on Feasible distance, feasible successor & reported distance, PAGP vs LACP, control plane policing on a router etc.
Some questions are similar but options are not same.
Really sucks for to be shutdown. I myself used it as a self study tool. As an engineer that needs to focus on routing & switching, LTM, cloud services and multivendor firewalls was a great site to get all the learning materials needed to get the job done a zero cost to companies. wasn’t just about Cisco.
In our game of cat and mouse, sometimes the cat becomes the mouse and the mouse becomes the cat.
Hello guys,
Instead of arguing on this, you should go help for the come back of CC on : powered by Glavin.
There is already interesting content.
Cya soon
CC is a dead mouse. Scammers trying to use their name…
CC was served legal papers and their customer database was used to revoke certs.
Die scammers, die
Since cisco sued CC. Do you guys think that this website will be next?
These guys are in different countries and such.
We need quality practice tests, preferably with explanations…not to have our time wasted by scammers
Certs revoked?
We will be changing CCIE written and labs every week from now on. Legal action will be taken against students who attempt to pass exam using unfair means. Their certifications will be revoked with life time ban.
We at Cisco are dedicated to produce talented and sharp professional and not unskilled ones who get certified using dump. CCIE candidates should expect Interview Round questions in coming future.
Legal actions have been initiated against dump vendors.
Good Luck.
In this forum, we agree that we need to become experts at our craft.
We also believe that Cisco exams can be CRAZY. Bad Flash programming, ridiculous questions, typos, etc. We spend a lot of time studying and pay money for these exams. In my case it takes me an hour and a half to get to the testing center. My complaints to Cisco were ultimately ignored.
If Cisco exams were fair, I wouldn’t be having this conversation.
This forum is a replace to the
mannnn!! HA HA HA! there is a admin by the name GLAVIN, LOL!!! nahhh!! glavin doesn’t even write the way duplicate glavin wrote in that fake forum HE HE HE
what happened to your DB bitch!
you cannot match the 10 year success run had by starting a website to attract lost and panicked cc community members and make money.
I would say All the best with your forum. Don’t be an opportunist money making low life scumbag. Keep it free from ads and other money making tricks and it may just take off. That is how we did it!
Good one!
Do you think cisco will change to make practice tests worthless?
This is what I think: 1) the exams are too crazy not to have them. 2) the number of cert holders will drop too much
i have heard the new dumps are arrived and now 400-101 are stable. before cisco changed the exam now again the new dumps are valid. any guy have idea ? please share.
Forums got the worth with people who support
so guys please participate more and more in order to make this forum upto date and vaild
Your guess is as good as most people on this thread. Where did you hear that info from?
Read above…
Mannn!!! Dumps are needed if you ask me. I study my tail off, and before taking a test I find questions that aren’t even explained in the Cert Guide.
Years ago I failed a VOICE exam due to such, and when I opened a ticket with Cisco, they told my the “Official Certification Guide” does not guarantee a passing score. If the Cisco guide has the map of the exam documented, with its corresponding chapters, then that book/chapters should have everything you need to pass that section of the test.
So @, there are some that may not bother to master the craft, and there are lots of us that do. Our job performance and skills will show the difference.
This —> Cisco guide has the map of the exam documented, with its corresponding chapters, then that book/chapters should have everything you need to pass that section of the test.
But Cisco wanted that all the candidates memorize all his site in orden to pass the exam, but when I talk with Cisco TAC about upgrades or another types of problems, they need to check their aknowledge DB cause they don’t know all the answers for real problems in real enviroment. And this is all the weeks and they have multiple CCIE certification.
failed my exam ccie RnS written today using the spoto Apr’17 package
@Cat and Mouse
I think its about supply and demand. There must enough Cisco engineers out there (maybe unemployed which Cisco wants to get placed) because of which Cisco has decided to put a stop to “production” of new certified engineers. It’s been 4-5 months since Cisco dumps are hard to get and exams harder to clear. There must be enough engineers with customers to get discount from Cisco on their products. The user ‘NSA’ is right, if there aren’t enough certified professional then Cisco will go down. This lull may continue for another 6-8 months before Cisco gives leeway to students to get certified.
This is just my speculation 🙂
talented and sharp professionals you say? i have talked with many dumb ass TAC engineers who come up with stupid excuses if they are unable to solve an issue. They take days to resolve an issue.
Improve your own TAC environment before commenting on worthy students who take help of dump to clear your meaningless exam which you say are focused around real time issue. real time issues my ass!
Many updates since April 17…
Right on!
@ Studying for written exams has become a continual moving target dumps or no dumps, the exams have adjusted to become increasingly more difficult to combat the cheaters….you gut the cheaters resources but the benchmark for the exams hasn’t adjusted back to make them achievable before dumpers became so common place.
My case in point the study guide books for the CCIE written exams are released almost a year after a blueprint refresh. How can anyone possibly keep up without a study guide to focus? What about CCIE’s recertifying? There’s no written refresh course available, many of these good tech’s don’t have the time to constantly read. Many of the technologies in these blueprints most of us don’t use on a weekly basis, people fall behind sometimes due to life responsibilities. The exams ask obscure things as well, in poorly written and confusing english…this is why people resort to dumps. Many people want to be honest, the majority do, but we have to make a living and can’t make certification a our #1 priority in our lives….we have families, personal lives as well….we work to live, not live to work.
Killing CC was a reaction to the CCDE lab exam becomming compromised, which was a terrible thing, maybe instead you should focus on where and how the lab was leaked…killing our forums where we can discuss these topics is just vicious and unnecessary.
So I need to take my exam in a few weeks, am I wasting time going through the current dumps? Should I wait for new dumps closer to when I am going to take the exam?
I’m crossing my fingers that there will be a validated dump released in a few weeks time but it never hurts to study the current dumps available, especially if it helps you understand the concept behind the questions and answers.
@CCIE Kam, thanks I will continue to go through the dumps in an effort to better understand what may be asked
@Cat and Mouse, If Cisco is really changing the test every week then I think the days of “waiting” for a dump are over. The dump creators are going to need to get a lot faster, like zero-day fast!
a) the ciscocert guy is most likely a troll, I highly doubt that anyone from cisco is coming to this site and make any disclosures like that. it may cost them their jobs 😉 So… relax.
b) while I hate cheating in general, Cisco exams are totally unpredictable. Few months ago I passed CCNP DC – in the exam for Unified Computing Design there was a question regarding cat4948. And very stupid one. I mean… WTH? What does it to do with UCS?
I study. I study hard. I usually spent 20 hours a week reading, labing, watching INE videos etc. Sometimes more, I am now at cca 500 hours from my CCIE preparation. I have 15 years of hands on experience with everything from Cisco portfolio basically. In any other certification I am pretty sure it should be enough. When it comes to Cisco, now one can be sure. I somewhere read a blog of a guy who said it took him more time to get CCIE then to get the pilot licence. That’s just crazy.
CCIE R&S lab is a another story. Half of the success depends not really on your knowledge, but on typing skills, working under pressure and organization. I am not saying it’s not important… but.
If Cisco wants to hunt down all the braindumps sites, fine with me. It IS cheating after all. But give me a fgod damned tabbed putty and decent keybord on 1.6k USD exam!
Sorry for long post… I am just a bit frustrated.
@Pepe I’m agree with you, it’s not posible that the pc, keyboard, mouse, putty (no extraputty o better) for a high skill exam, and other point that you say about the pilot license, I have a friend of mine that it happends to him, now he can fly and has de CCIE but it tooks more time to get the CCIE than the pilot license, even with the flying hours that are required for it
Hello guys,
The dumps are still valid.
I have passed the exam yesterday.
Good luck
Yes, my friends. The exams are crappy. It’s more of a test of how much crap and craziness you’ll endure to get the cert.
cisco has the patents…that is what makes the company great. The company has many flaws, but the patents are theirs…
Hi Salman , Congratulations
please share what dumps did you study from ?
hi guys
ccie rs dumps has added 70 more questions, plz be careful
Yeah… reading the excuses here are amusing. Some of you are stupid… but the biggest problem here is that you are lazy. The CCIE isn’t for everybody. It’s designed that way. Narbik Kocharians said it best… “If you can’t write out all the configs on a white board (meaning with no way to verify them), then you are not an expert and don’t deserve to be CCIE.” Cisco didn’t say that everybody could get the certification… but there are plenty who did it and they did it without dumps, and they did it without the best mechanical keyboard, and they did it without SecureCRT/SuperPuTTy/ect, and some did it without only one monitor. Those people aren’t necessarily smarter than anybody here. They are just not lazy. They didn’t make excuses. The worked their asses off. None of you should be thinking about the Written test until you are ready to take the lab… but half the time, the comments are talking about getting free lab materials. So half the time, some of you don’t even have a plan for studying for the lab. I shake my head at the laziness here… and especially at the grown men whining here. There is not an attitude here that deserves to be CCIE.
Cisco – get real – people don’t need you anymore. Ubiquiti and Palo Alto do that same thing at 1/10th the cost. The prestige of this certificate is diminished by both the impossible questions that are more trivia then actual real life required information, and the prohibitively expensive cost of the exams. People go to dumps out of shear frustration. What is on the test is horribly worded questions (possibly translated from Klingon to English) and ridiculous drag and drops, that no one can study for realistically. If there was practical questions (possibly taken from TAC cases) you would weed out 90% of the cheaters.