Share your CCIE v5 Written Experience
Please share with us your experience after taking the CCIE v5 Written exam, your materials, the way you learned, your recommendations… But please DO NOT share any information about the detail of the exam or your personal information, your score, exam date and location, your email…
Note: There are some guys trying to sell workbook, videos or even group buy for CCIE exams in the comment section. Please be careful and double check everything before making your decision. Many of them are scammers and just sell old materials or steal your money.
@CCIE_WITH_LOVE: thanks for the concern but i just scanned through the document. non of the new questions are there.
@CCIE_WITH_LOVE: Thank you but your document is about more than 2 week ago. Does it sill working?
@CCIE_WITH_LOVE Thanks man, I am working through your VCE now.
@CCIE_WITH_LOVE Glad you have them
@linhnm I think you need check with someone who takes the exam 2 – 3 days before your exam, for me the 311Q works about 90%
Guys, just did the test yesterday with score of 778/804. I think the 311Q is out of date now but it’s valid for studies yet.
i will purchase dumps in few days. old dumps are not valid for exams.
What’s going on with cert collection ?
any idea if certcollection will up again or not?
Please tell me know if the spoto 140, PL325 or q311 are valid for CCIE R&S written. I am taking the exam on 2nd June. I see people talking about exam changes after 1st June. If thats the case, I dont want burn my hard earned money 🙁 :(.
certcolletion is down for life, his owner post it yesterday
What you said is kinda opposite what ciscoguy said.
I don’t care what you think just what he says Received Legal Notice from Networking bigwigs.
this is not the official, if you check all the post are so old
Yeah, I know got legal notice, but they currently working on it to fix things. hope, they’ll be back soon.
spoto 156 or spoto 140 is not valid too.
but spoto will updates the new dump within 3-5 days
@Shikima please can you send m your ccie lab materials?
@anonymous sorry to hear that. Don’t worry. You will pass the next time. do u remember what’s the new question? Can you post it here so that we can help you find out the real answer?
@CCIEGURU I don’t have material, I looking for it
I went through @CCIE_WITH_LOVE’s document and it had all questions that I got on the exam on May 25. Is there going to be a change on June 1 as rumoured?
so sorry to hear the shut down for ever.
it is an wonderful forum for guys to discuss ,offer and request ccie metails .
the best wish for all guys ccie journey.
There was before cc. Let ua have a look there. It says forums are updated today.
@Shikima – Could you please send me lab materials too…Thank you
{email not allowed}
I wonder is there any similar forum like CC?
@Glavin : Omg! Is this real ? @_@ Could you come on irc ( a minute to talk about it ?
guys.. can join here and we can discuss further
its online chat
That really sucks about…..
Good day we are 591LAB Int’l locally in China known as “SPOTO”. For up-to-date info on CCIE and HCIE tracks please visit our site
Get the latest info at your fingertips.!
took the exam today and got 7xx; there we’re some new questions. Not difficult but I forgot about some basic stuff
@ Mozart
Sucks. Do you remember any of the new questions? did you study PL dumps or Q311?
I looked at Q109, Q270, Q130; the ones that CCIE_with love posted. Anyway questions like ppp, pap, lacp, pagp. difference between udld vs bfd. I now realize there we’re some questions from old dumps from 2015 and 2016 thaT I didn’t look at
Vtpv3, private vlans etc.
PassLeader had updated its 400-101 dumps with 325q now, I just passed yesterday by learning it, 100% valid! Good Luck!!
Part of PassLeader 325q dumps are available here:
Good Luck!!!
how to download these dumps @ thomas Uteach
Guys do you know sites where i can study CCIE DC ? like this one
I cannot understand ,why Cisco is still testing these PAP and CHAP ???? :-/
To All:
1) Please stop talking about certcollection: They are finished forever. There is a scammer that enters our discussions to guide to their certcollection spin off. CertCollection got legal papers. They are FINISHED.
2) Can someone give feedback to PL325? Is it enough to pass?
@Cat and Mouse, no it is not enough. I used it on my test last friday and failed
BOYCOTT CISCO!! they banned dumps, banned certcollection. How do they expect students to pass ccie? WHY genius can clear their ccie without dumps?? I SAY NO ONE! no matter how many years of experience you have you cannot clear ccna ccnp ccie without dumps.
BOYCOTT cisco follow huwei and many other vendor certification. CISCO WILL GO DOWN. I CURSE CISCO.
They want you to sell you home, car, wife, kids, kidney, liver everything and make cisco rich. Fcuk cisco.
You want dumps, you want my dumps. 1000 parcent garanteed dumps to pass for you. If interested for my 10 parcent garanteed dumps, only go for paypal @shitstainindiancheat dot imascrub dot co
So I’m curious… because there seems to be a lot… and I DO MEAN A LOT of stupid people on this site. Multiple people saying they failed because certain dumps are no longer valid… and yet the stupid people still post asking for the dumps that have already been verified as being no longer valid. So…. I’m curious… if so many of you posting here are so incredibly stupid, how are you planning to pass the lab? I mean, unless you are looking for ways to cheat the lab, that is an expensive test to not bother knowing the material for. Hell, one guy passed the written above and is “looking for lab material”. So you took the written, and had no plan about how you would prepare for the lab? Do any of you ACTUALLY want to be experts, or just have a fancy number to get a job that you won’t actually be qualified for? Fake CCIEs devalue the cert. I have no issue with using a dump to pass the written, but if you have no intention on actually trying to become an expert, why devalue the cert? You are all cheating CISCO if that’s how you plan to get a CCIE… but even worse, you cheat yourselves
@Some stupid people here…
That’s harsh you BURNT them hahaha lol!
Please send me dumps…
@Some stupid people here…
they all see that if those stupid people get certified so why dont they? so they ask for the answers 🙂
Cheating ramps up…cisco makes the exams harder to combat all the cheating….cheaters and dumpers improve…it’s an arms race except cisco changed the game…cisco uses lawyers to shut down the cheaters…bye bye examcollection….the problem is the exams have changed to combat cheaters they’re so difficult and confusing for the honest people to pass without these forums to discuss
We’re gonna see a lot less new CCIE’s and recertification is going to be harder so older CCIE’s will expire and disappear….the impression I get is cisco just wants very few certified people around to weed out the genuine best from the dumpers
Please anyone with CCIE LAB study materials? I am highly interested
if you guys need the latest PL Dumps please email me
s h a q 0 9 0 @ g m a i l . c o m
Guys I failed today CCIE R&S written. No more dumps are valid.
Hi , CCIE_206. What dumps did you use?
@ana Sorry to hear that. Can you please post any new questions here so that we can compile into one latest one?